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• Khloe •

2am — the time my phone read when I gave up on trying to sleep. I pulled my duvet cover off of me and climbed out of bed, heading downstairs.

I didn't really know why I had gotten out of bed, but I was sick of trying and failing to get to sleep.


She was all I could think about.  Everything she said to me today echoed through my brain. I know you, Khloe — yes. She does, but I don't even know what I'm doing right now so how could she?

I walked over to the island, grabbing myself a glass of water, before sitting down, laying my head in my hands. I was so tired.

I was so tired that I hardly heard the sound of the front door opening. And keys on the kitchen counter.

"You should be in bed." Someone said to me.

I glanced up to see Dean and Elliott stood before me. Deans hand was wrapped in a bandage and his eyes wouldn't meet mine.

It was Elliott that had spoken. I hadn't seen Elliott all evening. I guess he and Dean had been somewhere.

"I couldn't sleep." I told him.

Elliott sighed and went over to the fridge, grabbing the milk and then some mugs.

"Where you guys been?" I asked, not wanting this to turn into a conversation about me.

Dean shrugged and scratched the back of his ear. "Out." He said.

"We've been to the hospital." Elliott told me. I nodded, but was confused. "This idiot here's fucked up his right hand."

Dean rolled his eyes. "They said it'll heal."

"It shouldn't have been injured in the first place, Dean. You can't keep punching every single person that looks at you funny."
Elliott warned.

"Whatever, he deserved it." Dean said, rolling his eyes.

"You're making a lot of enemies. You should think about that next time you decide to punch someone instead of walking away." Elliott said.

"I can handle them." Dean said.

"I never said you couldn't, but you're also the second oldest. What kind of example do you think you're setting the others? Do you want them to be getting into fights the way you do?" Elliott stated.

Dean rolled his eyes. "That's not gonna happen. Fighting's my thing."

"It might not always be. Do you really want Tommy or godforbid Charlie or Khloe to fight the way you do?" He asked.

Dean chuckled slightly. "Tommy knows how to handle himself. Charlie's too soft to pick fights with people and Khloe can't even punch properly. I think we're good." Dean said, dismissively.

I rolled my eyes, but I wasn't about to try and argue with Dean again.

Elliott sighed. "All right then, put it this way. What happens when someone you get in a fight with doesn't keep it between you and your stupid friends? Huh? What happens if they decide to take it out on our younger brothers or our little sister?"

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