Chaptet eighteen - The Morning After

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Chapter Eighteen

I woke up on Saturday morning with an awful headache. I reached for my phone only to find it wasn't there. Last night was a hazy blur. Little memories were dotted around in my head, but I couldn't put them in order.

"Khloe, you up?" I heard Jake, barging into my room.

"Mmm." I groaned. He smiled as he saw me try and sit up.

"How you feeling?" Jake asked me, coming in and sitting on my bed.

"Like death." I replied.

Jake chuckled and then came and lay down besides me.

"What you doing?" I asked him, cautiously.

"Making sure you're okay." Jake replied.

"Do I look okay?" I glare at him as I feel my head pounding.

"No, but you know that's not what I mean." Jake told me.

"I guess I'm Sort of okay?" I say and scout closer to him.

Jake looks at me for a moment with his eyes furrowed and then wraps his arm around me. I was tense for a moment, but then I relaxed. I could feel the distance between us slowly evaporate.

"What happened with you and Charlie?" He asked me.

"I was a brat I suppose..." I replied and he smiled as he stroked his hand through my hair.

"That doesn't surprise me. But Charlie cares, you know that right?" Jake asks.

"Sort of. I think I've made him quite mad." I tell Jake.

"He'll get over it. You know what Charlie's like. He was worried about you last night, but he's just annoyed at the same time. I'm sure it will blow over." Jake reassures.

"Probably. I think I should avoid him today. You know what he's like with a hangover. He feels like death - just like I do."

"Well this will teach you not to drink so much!" Jake smirked.

"I didn't mean to! It just sort of... happened."

"Well I never want to see you in that state again."

"Was I that bad?" I asked.

"Just a bit."

"Oh god... I'm so embarrassed."

"You should get something to eat. From what I saw and heard you threw up everything." Jake told me.

"Do I have to?" I complained.


"Fine. But if I throw up that's on you." I told him forcing myself out of bed.

I walked slowly down the hallway and into down the stairs. I could feel the room spinning all ready. Jake grabbed onto me as I started to stumble and he led me over to the kitchen table and sat me down with practically my whole family.

It seemed after a night out all everyone wanted is food. Chase, Dean and Tommy were all sat at the table and it seemed that Charlie and Logan were still asleep downstairs in the basement.

"Morning." Tommy smirked at me as I sat down next to him. I grunted. Jake walked Into the kitchen and grabbed some pancakes and a glass of orange juice.

"Drink up." He told me placing the glass of orange juice infront of me.

"Do I have to?" I moaned.

"Yes. Khloe you need all the sugar back in your system."

"Okay, Whatever mum." I snarled, taking a sip of the drink. I felt everyone's eyes look at mine when I said that.

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