Chapter Nineteen - Lazy Days By The Pool

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when Sunday came it was the worst day ever. The weather was nice and I was sat on the sun lounger in my bikini. I was reading one of the plays for English - the Romeo and Juliet. The sun was doing me good after spending all of yesterday inside and hungover. But, I was still exhausted and grumpy. My throat was croaky and sore from throwing up too much and I was getting bored of being made fun of.

Elliott came home last night and I was pretty sure he was dating because he had this goofy smile on his face, but I didn't say anything.

Elliott also never found out about the party. I suppose we all just figured it would be better if we kept him happy than having to deal with all the drama. I was relieved.

"You going to join us, vomit?" Tommy asked me, using the new nickname he had recently coined. I could feel my cheeks burn up, but that just made his grin get bigger.

"Can you stop calling that!" I growled, miserably. "And no."

"Pussy." Chase smirked.

"Chase!" Elliott scolded.

"Come on Khloe, don't be such a girl." Tommy grinned.

Why are they so sexist?

"I don't like the water." I stated. They knew this. Yet, every time they were in the pool and I wasn't, they conveniently forgot.

"Aren't you over it already?" Dean said, coming out of the house with his sunglasses on. He had just a pair of swimming shorts on and he was wearing this smug smile. Dean had been working out a lot more lately and he wanted to show off.

"No." I replied firmly,  looking up over  my sunglasses and then turning over the page in my book.

"You're such a baby." Tommy teased.

"Hey! I almost died!" I argued.

"Don't be so dramatic, Khloe." Chase told me, rolling his eyes.

"You were there! I don't go in the water unless I have to." I told him.


I was so excited. Me, my brothers, my dad, my aunt and uncles and cousins had rented out a massive boat for the day. I was super excited!!

"Can you stay still?!" My Dad said to me as he tried to put suncream on me.

"You look like you've got ice cream on your nose." Tommy giggled, coming into the kitchen of the villa we were staying in. I was sat on the kitchen table wriggling.

"Well at least I look better than you!"
I said, sticking my tongue out at me.
Tommy just made a face. "Daddy, tell Tommy to stop making faces at me!" I whined.

"Tommy. You know I don't condone that sort of behaviour." My Dad Warned him. I smiled like an angel.

"Right, Chase. Watch your brother and sister whilst I go and get your other brothers." My Dad said, heading upstairs.

I was eight and Tommy was nine. Chase was almost eleven. I couldn't believe how big he was! He was so tall for an almost eleven year old. Dean was eleven, but he could have easily have passed for thirteen. And Elliott was twelve. They all seemed so much older than me. I was tiny.

"You're ugly." Tommy said to me as he picked up the beach ball
And started bouncing it. I pouted with disapproval.

"Chase!" I whined. "He's being mean."

"Tommy, you are older than her. You know it's not very nice to call people names. Especially if it's our sister." Chase said, coming over to the kitchen table and picking me up.

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