Chapter eleven - My Brothers Friends

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I thought you guys deserve another chapter :) there will be another one coming in the next couple of days!

The next day when I arrived at school I wasn't happy. I had no phone and I knew all of my brothers were watching me cautiously and it was irritating me.

That wasn't my only problem as tonight was when the football team was coming over and I wasn't happy about it, but I didn't know what to do about it. I hadn't mentioned to my brothers I wasn't happy and I knew they assumed I was unhappy about not having my phone, but I've I moaned they would tell me to grow up. And I still hadn't explained why I had done what I did for Charlie.

"Hey," Alex said greeting me. She had walked over with her books in her hand and was smiling at me.
"Hi." I responded, not so radiantly. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me curiously. "What's up, Khlo?" She asked.

"Nothing, just wishing I wasn't left in a house full of boys." I told her and she nodded understanding.

"Oh yeah, you're dads gone away again. You taking it well?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"You can't really take it well." I explained. "but I've gotten used to it." I said shrugging.

The school day didn't go as fast as I was hoping and I didn't take it well - especially when the worst lesson of the day came up. Maths. My worst subject.

"Miss Lakewood is my lesson boring you?" Mr Evans asked me as I sat there staring out the window.

"Sorry?" I asked confused, being taken out of my day dream.

"clearly." He mumbled. "Maybe you should be excused from this lesson if you can't appreciate the art of it." He told me and my mouth dropped. I was being kicked out? For doing what?

"But I haven't done anything?" I questioned.

"Precisely. You're page is blank and we are thirty five minutes into the lesson." He replied.

"Fine, Whatever." I mumbled. I wasn't in the mood to argue. But Charlie caught my eye on the way out. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

When I was out I made my way to the seating area where there was the odd group of people sat chatting, but then I saw someone I didn't want to see. Blake and Austin from the football team and they smirked when the saw me sit down. I however ignored them and got out my English book as that was a subject I actually liked.

"Look who it is." Austin said as him and Blake sat either side of me. I rolled my eyes.

"Go away." I moaned annoyed that they would even talk to me.

"aren't you supposed to be in class?" Blake asked curious.

"What's it to you?" I snapped, shutting my book and turning to the two idiots I was facing.

"This is the seniors study period. What's a sophomore doing in our area?" Austin asked - was he trying to be intimidating?

"its a free country isn't it?" I retorted.

"Not on these halls it isn't." Blake told me. "if you were anyone else you would of been shoved into a locker about now." Blake said shrugging his shoulders.

"So what makes me so special?" I asked bored of this conversation.

"You're a Lakewood." Austin replied shrugging. I laughed.

"Oh right I see, so right now you really want to put me into a locker but you're too scared what my brothers will do to you if you do?" I smiled at my situation.

"We wouldn't turn on a team mate." Blake responded.

"So hurting me is turning on them?" I raised my eyebrow, why does everyone think I'm that connected to my brothers?

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