Chapter Six - Rumours

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The next day, I decided I was done. I'm not trying with chase anymore. He doesn't deserve it. I want to change and I am in the process of it, but how can I change if they won't let me?

Therefore, I am changing. Yes. I'm done with the drinking, the partying - well only the irresponsible part because I am sixteen. I'm not disappearing and I'm not being a bitch. But I am going to keep my distance from my brothers. I think I need space.

So I found myself waking up early and making coffee. What other way do you start you're day than coffee? I would be a zombie otherwise.

The next person who was awake was Charlie. He wasn't the type to sleep in boxers. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and his pyjama bottoms, which I was thankful for because I hate it when my brothers come downstairs in boxers.

"Good morning." I said, smiling at him. He gave me a surprised smile as he probably didn't realise it was me and I never say good morning. "Coffee?" I asked, bringing over two cups and sitting besides him at the island without having an answer.

"Uh... thanks." He said, looking at me weirdly.

"you have a good sleep?" I asked him, smiling and taking a sip of my coffee.

"What are you? My mother?" He asked looking like he didn't recognise me. Guilt filled his eyes he used the word mother, but I ignored it. We've all got to move on, haven't we?

"Unfortunately, no. But I am you're sister, next best thing!" I told him.

"Khloe, are you alright?" He asked me.

"Yes, of course! Better than ever." I said, smiling. "Would you like some breakfast? I can make bacon, pancakes, eggs.... toast, anything you fancy." I offered, standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"No!" He said all too quick for my liking. "You're not allowed to cook anything." He said.

"And whys that?" I asked.

"you know why, you're a bad cook. You'll burn everything!" He said, overreacting...

"No I won't, that's only when I don't have a recipe. And guess what? That's what googles for!" I said happily.

"no it's not. It's for people to ask stupid questions that they are too embarrassed to ask a real person." He explained.

"No, that's what I have you for." I said smiling.

"So you're using me as a search engine?"Charlie asked.

"Well who else can tell me not to be stupid and cook? Google couldn't tell me that, now could it?" I asked, sitting back down besides him.

In that lovely, friendly moment that me and Charlie just shared, a cloud of darkness entered. The most wicked and terrified being was brought in by the storm. Chase.

I ignored him. He was dead to me.

"You going to football tonight?" Charlie asked him, attempting to start a conversation, just as Jake entered the room.

"Yeah." Chase replied as he got out the orange juice.

"Well you should know Charlie's trying out for the team. Tonight." Jake informed him.

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