Chapter Fourteen - Friday

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It was finally Friday. Everyone in school was talking about Austin's party. I was trying to hide my excitement, but I'd never been to a party thrown by one of my brother's friends. I'm pretty sure I was only invited because I was Chase's brother and I made it onto the football team. Austin was the type of person that thought he was too cool for a lot of people.

"We're still on for coming to yours before the party?" Logan asked me at lunch. We had organised pre drinks at mine seeing as though the house would be practically empty.

"Yeah. Dean might have his friends there. Depends. Don't know what the rest of them are doing." I shrugged.


"Dude, you know like almost the whole school will be at this?" Connor grinned.

"You need to get a grip. It's just a party." Jack said, rolling his eyes.

"It isn't just a party. It's Austin's party." Connor argued.

"If you keep this up, Austin's gonna think your a pathetic dork." I smirked.

"Whatever." Connor replied, rolling his eyes.

I saw Khloe sitting on the other side of the cafeteria. She was sat with two girls. They must have been Taylor and Alex or Max. I hadn't met Taylor or Max yet, but I hope they are nice girls. I don't think we could afford Khloe to get involved in the wrong crowd again. There wasn't another school in our area.

"Hey boys." A blonde girl said coming and sitting next to Jack and her friend sat besides Dylan. I had no clue who she was.

"Yes?" Jack responded, there was a layer of irritation in his voice.

"We were just wondering if you were going to Austin's party tonight?" The blonde asked.

"What's it to you, Ana?" Dylan asked, coldly.

"Well, not many people from our grade were invited. So just wondering who we'd see there." She smiled.

"You were invited?" Connor said, almost laughing.

"Of course we were invited." Ana's friend piped up.

"Shame." Jack said.

"Don't be like that. I know you want me
there." Ana smiled.

"You tell yourself that." Dylan snarled.

"Well, we'll see you boys there. Oh, and Charlie ? Don't bring your lame sister. She's kind of a drainer." Ana said to me.

Practically all our mouths dropped.

"Excuse me?" I growled. "Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?"

"We know the truth hearts, sweetie. But we thought you should know." Ana shrugged.

"I suggest you leave before I break your arms." I told them.

"You'll understand soon enough. When your blind fold has been lifted." They said and then they left.

What the fuck was that?


School ended and I headed out of the main entrance. As I left the building I felt the back of my collar being pulled back forcefully. I turned around to see Chase and Jake standing behind me. Chase let go of my collar and the two of them walked either side of me.

"You Alright, little bro?" Jake smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"Oh I'm sorry do you not want a ride home?" Chase asked me, raising his eyebrows. he knew he was my only ride. Damn, I wish I could drive.

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