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Sipping the coffee that was ordered, the sun stayed high in the sky, shining in through the local cafe's windows.

Work would begin in a solid...

You checked your watch. Twenty-three minutes.

Compared to yesterday's outfit, this time you had chosen a white-striped blue collared button-up with the first few buttons undone, showing a bit of cleavage. It fit just right, outlining the figure. The pants were striped as well, though black with black heels.

No way is your boss going to beat you in a fashion contest. Even if he was a bit of an oddball.

The thought of your boss let your mind wander towards him, thinking of how strange he behaved and the weird things he would say.

More specifically concerning the hand comment.

It was strange to just suddenly say that, right? Or maybe Kira did not have much of a filter and said what he wanted.

Well, whatever. If things got uncomfortable, you could always use the strange power you had owned since young.

Said power had a humanoid-shaped body with robotic attributes. Its mainly pink body had white, black, and specks of green around it. The most noticeable feature was her black bunny ears, which you had to admit was very cute. Her name is Love Alive, with the power to switch the material make up of two different objects. It only worked on inanimate objects and not humans. Sadly.

"Eight hours of sleep, huh?" You muttered to yourself, remembering what your boss said the other day.

"Precisely." A familiar voice said out of nowhere. You jumped, turning around abruptly in the chair, now being greeted by the blonde boss. "Bonus points if I get more hours. Mind if I take a seat?"

Giving him the go-ahead, he sat across with his drink.

"Confident about work today?"

"Mhm. I know I'll do great." You confirmed.

He smiled. "I noticed this yesterday, but you seem very independent, is that right? You know you can always ask for help if you are struggling."

"No need. I got it, Kira!" With a thumbs-up, you downed the rest of the drink. "Now we should get going, work starts soon and we do have to walk."

Kira followed behind after clipping his nails, chatting, and making light conversation on the way to work. When you were distracted, Kira took his time to admire your hands that were by your side.

Entering the building, the lights turned on automatically.

If Kira wanted to get you alone one day he would have to become friendly with you. Gain your trust.

So with that goal in mind, he was going to make it his duty to make you drop your guard. "(Y/n) would you like to—"

The doors to the store opened, and in walked Akira, being loud as always.

Kira's hands twitched in annoyance when Akira immediately ran to your side to talk with you and cutting him off. Kira became especially vexed when he invited you out for lunch.

Kira himself planned on doing such. Right before he was interrupted, at least.

You also seemed a tad more open when talking with the younger male too.

"Lunch sounds great, Akira." You confirmed, watching how the purple-haired boy grew to be more self-assured. Once a customer walked through the doors, he was off and helping.

𝐥𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 ; kira yoshikageWhere stories live. Discover now