𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐣𝐨𝐛

555 35 13

You weren't stupid.

Yoshikage— or your boss, you should say, has expressed some sort of interest in you. Everywhere you turned he was there, attempting to spend time alone with you, trying to help with the simplest things, and getting too close for comfort.

All in all, suffocating. Annoying. A nuisance.

"Are you busy?" Kira spoke on the other side of the phone.

Muting the phone for a second, you screeched, rolling around in bed before unmuting yourself, "No, not at all, why?"

You could hear the door close on his side, assuming he was leaving his home.

"I was hoping we could go out for coffee, we haven't had much time to do this like planned."

Gotta do what you gotta do to keep the boss happy.

"Sure, that sounds great. Just give me time to get dressed and I'll meet you at the usual spot."

With him agreeing, the phone call ended. Immediately you rushed to call your young coworker and tell him the new tea with the blonde boss.

"He's gonna have to go through me and Chili pepper if he wants to get to you!"

After hanging out more with the rockstar, he eventually grew out of his infatuation with you— now reformed to seeing you as an older sibling. And you had to admit he was similar to a younger brother. On top of that, you both found out you were stand users, which abled you two to grow closer like the above.

"Uh-huh... Thanks, tough guy. Now I gotta go meet the man of the hour, bye-bye."

Hanging up the telephone, you sighed with a shake of your head. "I really need some friends around my age..."

≪ °✾° ≫

Kira glanced at his watch, tapping away on the table. He sat in the far corner of the cafe, as those seats normally didn't draw much attention.

The male did want to live a quiet life, after all.

But in all honesty, you were making it almost somewhat difficult for him. There was something about you that always stopped Yoshikage from breaking into your house each time he has shown up at the appointed doorsteps.

Was it the fact he really didn't know as much about you as he had hoped? Or maybe because he was aware of your mild dislike and annoyance towards him(on top of how you rant to Akira about him).

It might be that he began to look at other things other than your hands.

Chest, thighs, ass, legs—

More and more things caught his eye each time you were around him, and he seriously couldn't get enough.

Maybe he liked you. That would definitely be something new for him. Though if this was the case, he felt bothered. Yoshikage? Having feelings for another and possibly engaging in a relationship? That makes him stand out.

And Yoshikage does not like to stand out.


"I'm glad you showed up." He greeted with a smile. "You are looking as lovely as always."

He can probably make an exception and stand out just a little if it meant he acquired you.

You gave a grateful smile, tucking a strand of (H/C) hair behind your ear. Kira's eyes caught onto the sloppily painted nails within that second and let them linger.

"I'm guessing you don't like the job I had done on my nails, huh?" Sliding into the booth across from the man, you ordered a drink and some food. "I figured I could try doing it myself since others can do it, but it looks like I'm not skilled in that area. Maybe I can ask Josuke to paint them..." You began to blab on, muttering the last part to yourself.

"I use to work at a nail salon, you know? If you want I can give you some coupons I have to go get them done." He lied quickly. "Or if you would like I can do them for you for free?" The boss took a sip of his drink.

"Is that why I always catch you looking at my hands? Because you're judging how bad they are?" You joked, putting your hands out on the table to make fun of the childish painting that was applied to the nails. As you took a sip of the hot drink ordered, you choked when your boss grabbed ahold of it and began examining.

It's been so long since he held another hand.

Yoshikage crossed his legs underneath the table, hiding the tent in his pants. The back of his neck began to turn red, an almost unnoticeable blush making its way to his cheeks.

"Y-Yea," he cleared his throat. "I wanted to do nothing more than help you take better care of your hands." Suddenly immersed in the fact he was holding a hand, he could not process just how creepy he was behaving once more. But this time, it seemed to be out of hand. Kira bit his lips, a sweat drop perspiring from his forehead as he kept stroking your hand. It felt like forever since he has had a girlfriend, and this just happened to remind him of that. The things Yoshikage would do to just have you as his. Based on your feisty personality, there's no doubt you would please him greatly. Especially with your hands. They may look messy now, but honestly, it was a cute attempt on your part. One that Yoshikage can appreciate. Just imagining them stroke his length drove him mad.

With the throb of his boner and your angry words, he came back to reality.

"—go! How many fucking times do I got to say it?! Creep!" Finally snatching your hand away that was in Kira's grip, you glared stop the male across the table. "Love alive!" Calling upon the pink robotic stand, just her presence was enough to boost your courage. Even if she cannot really do physical damage, it was enough for you. The stand tapped away at the wooden table, ready to touch the male's clothing. It can weigh him down enough so that you could make an escape— but suddenly you paused once you noticed the expression upon the blonde's face.

His normally resting face turned into one of shock. Those blue eyes of his widened, trimmed eyebrows raised and mouth slightly ajar.

There was no possible way he was staring at Love Alive... right?

Nervously looking around the cafe, you stared the male down, lowering your voice into a cautious whisper. "Hey, Kira... Can you... See her?"

Yoshikage continued to gawk and nodded silently.

"So that means you're a stand user too?!" You exclaimed excitedly, slamming your hands on the table. The anger and annoyance from before dissipated, happy that you found yet another stand user. "Can you show me yours? Oh! What are their powers? Are they female? Male? Unknown? Both? Tell me all about them, please!"

Question after question spilled out of your lips, ready to take notes.

Yoshikage still seemed shaken he met a stand user, similar to how you felt the first time as well. His silence was understandable, so you gave him some time to process it. Clearing his throat, he undid his tie a tad.

"Yes, well... Why don't we go somewhere more private to discuss this?"

𝐥𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 ; kira yoshikageWhere stories live. Discover now