𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Recently Kira has been getting on your nerves a lot more than usual.

Sure, he may just be a...

Is clingy the right word?

Let's go with clingy.

He may just be a bit clingy. And touchy, you noticed.

Regardless, it was very irritating!

Majority of the time when approaching you, his hands would fall somewhere. Either on the shoulder, upper back, or nearby your hand. Thankfully, nowhere where it got uncomfortable, but still. Not only that but he just seemed to hover, always there when you need something (obviously you wouldn't admit it though).

Plus, he would always ask you out for lunch.

And personally, you would rather talk with the young flirt than your older by three years boss. At least Akira kept you entertained and allowed you to be more like yourself. Being around Kira didn't allow much room for that.

Cracking childish jokes didn't seem like his thing. And childish jokes were your humor!

It just didn't seem to click for the both of you. Or at least in your eyes. Who knows what Yoshikage was on about in that mind of his.

Thankfully, you had the day off. Free from Akira and your boss's constant pestering.

The town of Morioh bustled like usual with multiple songs playing throughout the air when passing by a building. Birds fought one another for scraps of food and children ran around their parents who tried to calm them.

Lunch was soon to roll around, hunger setting in multiple other's bodies. Including yourself. With your stomach grumbling, you decided to set off on an adventure to find some food.

"Japanese food? Nah, I eat that too much... American? Ew," as you deducted different types of food off of your palate, lost in thoughts. The more you walked the farther you got from civilization.

"I wonder if there is a Thai restaurant here." You thought out loud, coming back to reality. "Oh." Stopping in your tracks, you looked around at all the houses. The area was unfamiliar.

Your stomach grumbled loudly again.

"Either I get food in me now, or I'm gonna pull out my strap— ooh an Italian restaurant? Don't mind if I do!"

Following where the sign that was advertising the Italian restaurant went, you happily went on your way. It was weird that it was near a cemetery, but that can be pushed aside.

If the food is good, who cares where it's located!

Slowly the restaurant came into sight with its unique look to it. It looked more like a house than a restaurant with its upper balcony and extra door that was all the way on the end.

"The food depends on the customer?" Questioning what the sign says out loud, you simply shrugged, open to try new things. Hopefully, it won't be too expensive...

"This is the best water that I have ever tasted!" A male's voice said once you opened the door. Your attention was drawn towards a familiar duo of teens, the one you remembered as Okuyasu gloating about how the water tasted good. "Woah! Aren't you the really hot worker from Kame Yu?!" He said, making his best friend turn in your direction.

You snorted at the description. "Unless there is another hot worker from Kame Yu that you are referring to, then yes, that is me."

The two teens urged you to sit with them and after a while, you caved in and sat across from the two. There was nobody else besides them anyway, so it would have felt awkward to eat alone in a tiny place like this.

"You have got to try this water, lady! It's amazing!" Okuyasu exclaimed, pushing a water glass towards you.

Bringing it up to your lips, you rolled your eyes. "First off, my name is (Y/n). Second of all, it's just water. How can it taste— holy shit you weren't joking."

The punk grinned, "I told you so! It's so good I think I may shed a few tears over it."

"Come on," Josuke said. "A little sip of water isn't worth weeping over, no matter how good it is."

Just like Okuyasu, tears began to drop from your eyes

"You too? It's just water." The pompadoured male huffed.

Shortly after a waterfall of tears fell out of Okuyasu's eyes, yours too. What the fuck was in this water?

"Holy shit, what the hell is going on with these tears?!" The baseball-faced man and you shouted, trying to stop the flow.

Josuke began to freak out, pointing out how the white parts of the eyes began to shrivel up. In turn, that made you and Okuyasu freak out more.

"Please, do not panic!" A person, who you assumed was the chef said. Josuke threatened the other man as he went on to explain why the eyes were doing that. Okuyasu was quick to do a 180, feeling 100x better. And you the same.

It felt like you had gotten a full ten hours of sleep compared to the four hours you had gotten last night.

Josuke and Okuyasu exchanged words, the pompadour male fretting over his friend while the punk male reassured him.

You had to admit that their friendship was adorable.

After Josuke checked up on you, he finally settled down.

"Welcome to Trattoria Trussardi. Did you plan on getting anything, ma'am?"

The grumbling of your stomach agreed with the man, but your mind said otherwise. The water thing still creeped you out, and you could always just run to a convenience store later...

"I'll just take an espresso, thank you."

Tonio, who you learned the name of, went off to the back, gathering Okuyasu's meal, and Josuke and your drink.

Okuyasu's meal looked very tasty. It was a salad with mozzarella cheese and tomatoes. The not-so-bright teen asked many questions, resulting in Tonio to dive into the detail of said dish that was created. Intensely you stared at the dish, really wanting to eat something, but held back due to your suspicions.

"Now, I hope you enjoy your meal, sir."

With obvious boredom, you and Josuke took a sip of your respected drinks, watching the male try out his order. He didn't seem satisfied till he added the tomato with the mozzarella.

"Oh my god!" He suddenly screamed.

Tonio gave out a satisfied laugh while Oku passionately described how well it tasted. Your mouth watered the more he talked.

'Ugh, I want to eat some so bad...'

"Think you can share some of that with your bestie?" Josuke mooched while Okuyasu defended his plate. Once more, they quarreled childishly, the boy with the boogie hair cut teasing Josuke with a piece of it. "Wanna try some?" He asked you, making Josuke shout about how that wasn't fair.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm not that hungry—" your stomach growled loudly in the silent room. Your cheeks flushed pink when Tonio let a chortle slip out.

Before he could offer food, Okuyasu began to feel weird, specifically hot and sweaty.

You visibly cringed when the dead skin he scratched at became a huge ball. "Y-You're digging into your shoulders muscles!"

"No, you're wrong!"


Petition to make Okuyasu and Akira President and Vice-President of the (Y/n) fan club pls.

Also I mixed the plot up a bit, so expect some differences in one of the next few chaps:) just a warning lol I don't want ppl to be confused.

𝐥𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 ; kira yoshikageWhere stories live. Discover now