𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬

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Kira had decided that a better place to chat about the stands was around a local park. While some others were around, they were farther away, and nobody seemed to be walking the trail you two followed. He had gone on to explain how his stand worked, you do the same in return. Killer Queen, was his name, and his power was able to turn anything he touches into a bomb.

Very formidable, you had thought. A stronger stand like that sounded really cool to have. Especially compared to Love Alive. But, the emotional attachment you had to the pink, robotic stand of yours eliminated all envy towards other's powerful stands.

"May I see him?" You asked, pausing in the middle of the trail. Trees surrounded the area, nobody in sight.

Now, this— this was an opportunity for Kira.

He could simply blow you to smithereens and take your hands and live his dream of a quiet life. But, he had already decided that you were to be a part of that quiet life of his. Not just your hands.

"Of course." And with that said, a muscular, humanoid stand that was pink and somewhat similar to a cat appeared. His big red eyes glanced around, taking in the area before making eye contact with you. He tilted his head to the side. Which was super cute, in your opinion.

But what was not cute was when Killer Queen approached you threateningly.

"Ayo, you gonna back up or what?" You nervously said, calling upon Love Alive.

Yoshikage immediately put a stop to him, apologizing for his actions.

The stand had assumed he was to blow up yet another woman for his user— guess not. His hostile demeanor vanished, and instead inspected Love Alive up close.

Love Alive herself twisted and turned her head and body around to catch where Killer Queen was sniffing and examining. Sometimes she would hit the stand when he became too comfortable doing his thing. It wasn't until Killer Queen pressed his cheek up affectionately towards the pink stand did you release a breath of air you didn't realize you were holding.

Yoshikage chuckled lightly. "Were you scared he was going to dislike Love Alive?"

You peered over at him. "Exactly. Now let's hope he likes me." Sighing, you cooed for the cat-like stands attention. "Come here kitty kitty! I just want to pet you."

"(Y/n), you realize my stand is not an actual cat—"

Despite his words, the curious pink stand answered the call and walked up towards you. He was taller than you— the same height as Kira. Not much taller, only by three inches, but still taller. And despite the intimidating first introduction and appearance, he succumbed to the feeling of your hands scratching his chin. If KQ could purr, he sure would be. And so would Kira.

As the user of KQ, he could feel the feeling of your soft strokes to the chin and around the face. To say the least, Yoshikage was jealous of his stand for being able to feel your hands up against his face.

One day, that will be him!

"You're just the cutest thing ever, aren't you?" Cooing, you happily gave the cat-stand attention and praise. Those red-eyes of his shimmered in delight. Poor baby probably does not get such things like this often! Either way, it was most likely time to stop doting over the stand. As you put an end to the scratching fest, KQ seemed disappointed, being sent back by Kira.

Yoshikage cleared his throat, playing at his tie. "I know we had come to talk about our stands, but I would just like to apologize for all the times I accidentally have made you... uncomfortable." He apologized, relaying how you had finally snapped at him earlier. Not that the blonde didn't see it coming. He has been testing the waters for a while, after all.

"Ah, yea. I almost forgot about that." You hummed. "Well, as long as they were accidents... I'm sure we will be fine! Just don't do it again or else I will end you, got it? Good. Now, let's go enjoy the rest of the day." Smiling, you led the blonde on, chatting about random things. As you rambled on and on, the blonde didn't process a single thing. He was hyper-focused on every single aspect of you.

Yoshikage wants to spend a quiet life with you.

≪ °✾° ≫

"I seriously can't believe you and the boss have gotten close after all the shit you talked about him behind his back," Akira mumbled, strolling down the small town of Morioh with vanilla sprinkled ice cream in hand. He had invited you out earlier, not having much of an opportunity to be around you in light of your new... friendship. Akira missed when all you both did was trash the strange blonde man.

You shrugged, licking at the (Flavored) ice cream. "What can I say? I'm a changed woman."

"The hell is that supposed to mean? 'Changed woman?' We both know you just want to get dicked down— gah!"

Akira stumbled on the concrete sidewalk, his ice cream now no longer. He growled as you kept walking as nothing happened, intent on getting back at you. How could you humiliate somebody as awesome as him in public?! Very uncalled for.

"Get back here!" Akira's hand reached out to grab the back of your shirt, only to be slapped away. And it was not by you.

"What do you think you're doing, punk?! Huh? Well, are you gonna answer?" The unknown woman snarled at the taller teen who awkwardly stared, not really knowing what to do or say. "Oh, are you okay, dear? Has he done anything to you? I'll whoop his ass and teach him not to lay a hand on a woman like that— just like I did with my son!"

This woman, well— she was—

You flushed an embarrassed red when the pretty woman fretted over you and threatened the poor teen. Her figure and plump lips would be enough to make anyone fall in love at first sight. Including her rather spirited personality. It reminded you of yourself in a way— though she was more ideal.

But she has a kid?

Gosh, well, she seems to be around your age!

The unknown lady waved a hand in your face, snapping you out of your daze.

"Are you okay? You're red and keep drifting off."

"Y-Yes! I'm fine— I'm fine. A-And he's with me, sorry for the confusion." Wiping your sweaty hands, you gave the lady your name, as she did back. Her last name struck a cord within you. "I'm sorry, but did you say Higashikata?"

Tomoko crossed her arms, her sculpted eyebrow-raising. "Is there a problem?"

"Ah, no, no! It's just I know your son, Josuke! He often comes to my workplace with his friend. He's a real sweetie, I can see where he got that from as well!"

"Well thanks, glad to know he isn't getting in trouble." The woman glanced at her watch. "Got to run! But hey, I would love for us to talk and hang out! Here's my home number, bye!"

Finally waving the woman off, Akira crept up behind you. "I saw you blush."

"I wasn't blushing! It's hot out, dumbass."

Akira snatched your ice cream that began to melt, eating the remain. "Ya okay. Anyways..." The male slung an arm over your shoulder. "Since when did you have other friends besides me? Who's Josuke and his friend? I should meet them! What if they are only using you? Or do they want to get with you? Let's take them out— no, I will! Yes, this is perfect." As he conjured up a devious plan in his mind, you simply stared around the small, pretty city. The shops, the scenery, the people—

"I gotta go." You said as you bolted off in the direction of a certain person.

Akira cried, "Wha? Wait! (Y/n)!" though he did not make a move to follow. He could tell you were a woman on a mission. And him interfering would just ruin the said thing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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𝐥𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 ; kira yoshikageWhere stories live. Discover now