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Days rolled by, and you were officially a member of the Kame Yu department. Kira would often invite you for a lunch break, attempting to get to know you better.

And as he got to know you better, you got the same.

All you had to say is that Kira is pretty bland. He did not have many interests, but at least he had some interests in the arts. That was seemingly a trend with your coworkers, them being interested in some form of arts.

As he would talk about paintings, he brought up how the Mona Lisa was his personal favorite piece. Strangely passionate about it, you would listen to him. Paintings themselves were pleasing to look at, but you couldn't say it was something you would do during free time.

Gaming and shopping seemed like a much better option.

Despite your age, your interests seemed like they were meant for teens. But anything can be enjoyed no matter the age!

Anyways, Kira was a kind person, that you knew. It's just that...

The blonde boss's hand laid beside yours, his fingers making contact.

You left it there for a little, waiting to see if he would move it himself. Currently, he was chatting with a customer, while you also helped a customer behind the desk.

'He needs to stop getting so comfortable with the touching or else I'll knock his ass out.' Your finger twitched, instinctively curling up into a fist. Thankfully, his fingers moved away, allowing the fist to relax once more. To calm down, you squeezed a rubber ball. 'That's what I thought.'

"Have a wonderful day." You told the lady that just purchased an abundance of clothing. The customer that Kira was working with seemed to slowly become upset the more they exchanged words. Listening in, the old man was mad because his coupon was invalid.

'What a complete dumbass.' If it's invalid, that means it is no longer useful. Why don't people understand that?

Yoshikage ran a hand through his blonde hair in stress. He was so close to blowing this old fart up. The boss sighed loudly, breathing an insult under his breath.

Unfortunately, the old man heard.

"Who do you think you are talking to, you bastard?!" The old man lifted his cane, ready to smack it down on your boss.

Right when Kira blinked, he saw a flash of what looked like a hand. And before he knew it, a rubbery feeling knocked itself onto his head.

"Huh?" The old man said, staring at his now rubbery cane compared to his previous wooden one.

Yoshikage stared at the cane in confusion, reverting his attention to you, who was currently snapping at the customer that tried to harm him.

There was no way, was there?

No, it just wasn't possible. What sort of coincidence would it be if you also had the strange powers he has?

"Get your raggedy old ass out of here before I kick you all the way down to hell!"

His lips quirked up in amusement at your threat towards the older man. Especially when you almost began to climb over the counter to wring his wrinkly neck.

"Alright, alright, that's enough," Kira said, pulling you off of the counter by the waist. The man from before had scurried out as quick as he could once you were climbing over to his side. "Calm down tiger." He chuckled.

You were seething with rage. That old bitch was lucky he didn't do that to you, or else he would have ended up close to death. Or even dead considering how fragile his bones must be.

Even so, how dare he raise a hand— not even a hand! A fucking cane! At your boss. Another human being, nonetheless.

Only you were allowed to think about beating your boss up because your reasons were valid!

Removing his hands from your waist, you pat all over his face and down to his shoulders. "Are you hurt anywhere?" You fretted.

Kira trembled under your touches, trying to force a moan down. He broke out in a nervous sweat, nails growing while he once more felt a hard-on.

His hands shook when he moved your hands away from his body.

"Why are you so shaky? Were you scared or something?" You interrogated playfully, blocking him from exiting. "Let me treat you if you are hurt, no need to be prideful."

"N-No," he breathed heavily. "I-I'm fine. Just let m-me run to the bathroom real quick."

You stared at the red-faced shaking man for a few more seconds before silently moving out of the way. He ran to the restroom, leaving customers to slowly return to shopping once more.

"Are you okay?!" Akira came running behind the counter where you stood.

"I'm fine." You shrugged. "It's Kira that I'm worried about."

The rockstar rubbed his temples, placing a hand atop your head in which you swatted off immediately. "You should be more careful. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I'm stronger than I look," you mentioned, mainly referring to the power you had. "So don't worry about me. I'll be okay."

He simply sighed, "(Y/n), I understand that you are self-sufficient, but cmon. I can't even worry over you? What if that geezer pulled out a knife?"

"Now you're being dramatic. Nobody is going to just pull a knife on me because I snapped." You stated. "If anything, I'd be the one pulling up with my strap—"

"(Y/n)!" The male cut you off from your joke. "I'm being serious," His hands rested on both of your shoulders, forcing you to look up at your younger coworker.

Those magenta-colored eyes of his stared you down in a silent stare-contest.

His worry was understandable. There are some crazy people in the world. But in this small town of Morioh? Very unlikely.

"—Do you understand where I'm coming from?" Akira asked, trying to ingrain why you shouldn't threaten just anybody into your head. (Not that he should be saying this, he's a total hypocrite.)

"Machine gun go brr—"

"Stop it!"

𝐥𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 ; kira yoshikageWhere stories live. Discover now