𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐝𝐮𝐨

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"You said you wanted some type of... 'kewl' kicks and a suit, right?"

After the lunch break, Akira was a bit more reserved than he was before. Probably because of how you revealed he had mommy issues.

Was it a bit insensitive?


But he had to catch a clue. Not only were you older than him, but you also were not that interested in relationships. The thought of a relationship is appealing, but being emotionally there for another seems exhausting. So it's better to stay alone till the right one comes along.

Regardless of that, Kira would chat with you every so often, offering help when you clearly knew what you were doing. It was almost as if he was trying to make excuses to talk with you.

Honestly, it was a bit annoying. But the blonde seemed like he had good intentions. In the end, you promised him a lunch break out the next time you worked.

With that out of the way, a duo of two teen boys entered Kame Yu. They did not look like this type of store was their style. Even then, Akira does work here, so...

They both looked to be around 16 and tough-looking. The taller one of the duo stood out to you more with his unique hairstyle that you couldn't help but admire and constantly glance at while talking with him.

The pompadoured teen nodded, catching on to your stare. His glossy blue eyes narrowed slightly. "Is there a problem with my hair?" He seemed ready to pummel you.

The other male beside him fretted, trying to calm his buddy down, "Josuke, she didn't even say anything! You can't hit a total hottie like her either!" A pounding headache was definitely going to be in your future. What is with this town and young teens trying to get with you? It's flattering they find you attractive, but severely irritating.

Putting on your customer service act, you waved your hands around with a worried smile. "Nothing at all, sir! I was just admiring your hair. Growing up, the pompadour was very popular, and seeing it now is pretty nostalgic. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

Josuke was quick to calm down and even apologized for his burst of anger and was quick to become bashful from the compliment of his hair afterward. Josuke had then introduced his friend, who you found out was named Okuyasu.

Both of them were very sweet and didn't mean any harm. They certainly are a unique duo though.

Onto searching, you guided Josuke and Okuyasu through rows upon rows of suits, coats, pants, shoes, and all that you would find in a store like this.

The pompadour male was picky, that was for sure. Not that you could blame him. He seemed like a fashionista like yourself and was not easily pleased. Each possible outfit you brought out was almost always shut down. If it wasn't, you held it in your arms for him to try on.

"This would look great on you." You said, pulling out a simple black suit that had beautiful gold chains dangling from the breast pocket. "If you add on a matching coat, pants, and some accessories, I'm positive you would look even better!"

Josuke's plumped lips turned into a grin at the idea. Okuyasu, who was just there to hang out with his best friend, agreed that Josuke should try it out. You had placed all his picked clothing out in the dressing room for him to figure out and left. Eventually, Josuke had decided to go with your idea and bought the black and gold outfit. It sure was going to look great on him, especially with that hairstyle.

"Thank you for all the help today, miss!" Josuke thanked, eyes shining even brighter as he stared at his purchased outfit in the paper bag. "I'll definitely be stopping by again."

"It was no problem. I look forward to your visit next time," waving the two best friends off, Kira, who had watched from afar snuck up behind.

"You did great," the boss said, scaring you for the millionth time. "Especially when you added on more items instead of just the suit. Excellent work, (Y/n)."

You sighed, placing your hand over your heart. "Kira you seriously have to stop sneaking up on me like that. One day I'll just have a heart attack and blow up."

He chuckled lightly. "No need to exaggerate. Now, why don't you help me carry these boxes in?"

Without waiting for an answer, he walked off, in the end, making you follow right after him. You whined about how Akira should be the one helping as he was built for the job, but it was pushed to the side due to said male helping buyers.

"Ugh, what are these?" Groaning, you bent over and trailed your hands down the big box, getting a feel for just how heavy it was.

Despite asking a question, there was no response.

Yoshikage stared at your hands trailing down the box, clutching the bottom of it, and then resting at the sides. He could feel his nails grow longer the more he stared. As well as him suddenly becoming sweaty.

'This is way too heavy, I can't lift it by myself.' You annoyingly thought. Depending on others just made you uncomfortable, no matter how much you needed it. Sighing, you sucked it up and turned around to stare at your boss who seemed to be staring at you already.

Well, in the direction of you anyway.

You narrowed your eyes at him. 'He is such a creep.'

"Hey, boss! Are you just gonna stand and stare at me or are you going to help?"

Kira snapped out of his dazed state with a quick apology, running over to your side to help you carry the box in.

His hands slipped underneath the box with you, sometimes "accidentally" making his touch your own, pleased shudders running throughout his body.

He needed you. And quick.

Hopefully, you could let your guard down at a perfect opportunity. In the meantime, as he waits for you to become his girlfriend, he planned on possibly getting yet another. But wouldn't that be like cheating?

Kira had to think about it more later. Right now, he wanted to focus on you.

He pats your shoulder, "if I recall correctly, this is the first time anybody has helped you since you've joined us here, right? I'm glad I'm the first."

You walked back out to the other boxes, hoisting a box by yourself to try and prove a point. "Well don't get used to it! I can do lots of things by myself, there are no worries."


I'll try to write as much as I can to at least get it going but June will be a very busy month due to graduation and work(: so pls understand <33

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