𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫

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You've been thinking this a lot, but Tonio's food is suspicious. The water, the tomato, and mozzarella... It would look like something had happened to Okuyasu at first, but then he'd suddenly feel x10 better. The cooking here is definitely strange.

Harlot pasta was brought out, and as usual, Tonio got to explaining. The red peppers were questioned by the eater who could not eat anything spicy, thus making the chef begin to make the main dish.

"Don't you think something about this food is off? It's shady." Josuke spoke up after the blonde Italian left to the back.

You nodded fervently, lowering your voice down to a whisper, leaning in. "I've been thinking the same thing. We both cried waterfalls and Okuyasu scratched off dead skin that was the size of a softball!"

Okuyasu scratched his chin. "But when I went to visit Shibaru Hot Spring in Yamagata, I lose even more dead skin and my back pain went away. It's totally normal, isn't it?"

"That still doesn't explain what happened with our eyes."

Josuke leaned into his friend's face angrily, pointing his finger. "Listen! Remember what I said about that little chat with Hazamada in the hospital? He said stand users are inadvertently drawn towards one another—"

'Stand users?'

That term caught your attention immediately. Not only did it remind you of your strange power, but it seemed as if multiple other people had these besides you. Dwelling on the thought, whatever argument that sprawled out between the teens was blocked out. Maybe you should ask? But what if they think you are some bat-shit crazy lunatic and try to admit you into some psych ward due to you "seeing things?" The possibility of that made you shut the idea down immediately.

"Okuyasu calm down!" Josuke's shout snapped you out of your daze, witnessing Okuyasu's cavities fly out of his mouth.

'What the hell?!'

A new tooth grew immediately which was beginning to creep you out even more than before. This town is a strange one, that's for sure.

"Do it, Crazy Diamond!"

"Josuke what are you even..." your jaw dropped when a tall pink, blue and white humanoid thing came out of nowhere. It was just like your powers.

'So I'm not the only one?' The thought enough made you giddy.

You watched amazed as Crazy Diamond returned the pasta's ingredients to their original forms. Vegetable-like creatures appeared and headed towards the back.

"My hunch was right. Tonio is a stand user."

"Josuke!" You shouted, confusion written loud and clear across your face. "A stand user... is that..."

"It's nothing to concern yourself about, (Y/n). You might want to head back."

"No, I need to know something." Standing beside the two tall boys, you called forth your power, watching the two become amazed that you shared the power they had. "This is Love Alive. Is that Crazy Diamond of yours what you call a stand?"

Okuyasu pulled his out, showing it off to you as well. Josuke gave a quick rundown of what these were and how one way or another, you will come across more stand users. Eventually, Josuke had taken matters into his own hands to beat down the chef but it turned out that Tonio had no bad intentions whatsoever.

A headache was beginning to form, just like you imagined it would. After today's rollercoaster of events and emotions, you wasted no time to high-tail it out of Tonio's after saying goodbye to the three stand users.

𝐥𝐚 𝐣𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞 ; kira yoshikageWhere stories live. Discover now