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Indigo's POV

The feeling of his lips on my skin is exhilarating, his kisses are filed with want and got sloppier as then traveled down my neck and onto my collarbone. The feeling is so new to me and I want nothing more than to feel him on me all day, but I know this has to stop I'm not the right age for him. I'm too young. But my birthday is coming up, I'll be legal soon- wait what am I saying? Im delusional, this man won't want me much longer. As if I'll be here until my birthday. I'll be out of here by tonight.

I hesitantly try and move him off me. Putting my hands on his forearms and pushing slowly, he looks at me disappointed and backs away.

"Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself." He says a bit panicked and looks at me with his lustful orbs.

I look at him with sad eyes. "You aren't doing anything wrong. I'm wrong. I'm only 18. You could get into trouble and you can't risk your successful career because of whatever this is that's going on right now."

I look at the ground not feeling hungry anymore. I should go. He doesn't need me even though I really need him right now. But I can't stay, staying with him is just some fantasy. We are never going to be together. But for some strange reason I feel this connection with him. I feel like I belong here. But soon enough I'll be out of here on my own again.

I muster up enough courage to look up at him and see hurt and another emotion I can't detect in his eyes. He sits down on one of the stools on the kitchen island closest to me and narrows his chocolate brown eyes my way.

"Indigo" He starts. Stopping to look me in the eyes.

"If you want me to stop. I will. I'm sorry." He looks very sincere.

"Connor, it's fine. I just don't want you to waste your time. You have a beautiful life and you don't need me to ruin it." I say with a sad smile on my face. Those words brought a pang to strike through my chest.

He grabs my hand rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"Look, I like you Indigo. But if you don't want anything to do with me it's fine. But let me help you. You don't have anywhere to go do you? You can stay here at my house for as long as you want. There's plenty of room." He looks at me anxiously waiting for my reply.

I honestly can't deny his offer.  I don't have anywhere to go and quite frankly I don't want to leave him just yet.

"Ok" is the only that I manage to get out. I'm too stunned to form a sentence.

He smiles widely and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back smiling. This will be good for me.

I pull away and he hops off the stool checking his phone by the stove.

"It's almost three we should get ready my family will be here at around five."

I nod my head and he grabs my hand, igniting sparks to tingle through me and pulling me up the stairs. He takes me to a room two doors down from his master bed room.

The room is considerably smaller than his but still very nice and spacious. The color scheme is  light pink's ranging from pale to cotton candy. It screamed girly and I couldn't help but feel jealousy bubble up inside of me. Who's room is this?

As if he can read my mind he answers my question.

"This is my sisters room. She stays here occasionally. You can meet her tonight. She has a bunch of clothes in here that you can borrow so you can be comfortable."

I let out a breath knowing it's only his sisters room. He opens the closet and we walk in. It looks more like another room than a closet. It's massive. There's even a little island space in the middle of the room with shoes lined in shelves on the sides of it. This room is extremely extravagant. I've never felt more intimidated in my life. I'm stunned by its beauty.

"Feel free to help yourself to the bathroom. If you don't like any of the clothes we can go shopping tomorrow if you'd like. My treat." He flashes me a charming smile and I stand there dormant trying to process all of this.

I look at him with my mouth slightly hanging open and eyes wide.

"Oh my gosh. Connor, I -this is- oh my gosh."

He snickers at me and it leaves a small smile on his face as he looks back at me.

"This is amazing. Thank you." I surprise him by tackling him in a hug. He hugs me back a minute later and I when I let go he places a kiss to my forehead.

"No problem, love" He's still holding my waist close to him. His eyes stare into mine, our gazes locked on each other. His hands slide up my back on top of my shirt to the base of my neck and he caresses my hair with his right hand. Other hand holding my neck in place. He puts his forehead on mine and I can feel his breathe fanning my flustered cheek. I shut my eyes and visibly shiver in pleasure.

His right hand slowly massages my head and I can even feel those strange tingles a flame on my scalp from his hands. It's oddly pleasuring and I crave to feel the sensation all over my body.

I bring my lips up to graze over his lips. He groans into my mouth pressing our lips together. I can even feel the sparks on my lips. There amazing.

I latch my hands around his neck and his hands move to my legs grazing over my asś and cupping the back of my knees to pick them up, circling my legs around his waist. My back hits the back of a wall and he presses him self against me. I can feel him against my core and gasp. He takes the opportunity to plunge his tongue in my mouth. Gripping my thighs to keep me in place, the feeling is so intense. I've never felt like this in my life and I love it.

We're rudely interrupted by the ringing of his phone. I pull away breathing hard grinning and Connor seems unaffected and starts to suck on my neck.

I still hear his phone and lightly shake his his shoulder.

"Connor" I say lightly, but it comes out as a moan. He pushes himself closer to me and groans into my neck. 

I clear my throat and try to notify him again.

"Connor. Your phone is ringing." He snaps up to meet my eyes and he looks at me confused.

"What? You can hear my phone?" He asks with his brows knit in confusion.

"Yes" I laugh. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He answers me but in a slow manner.

"I left my phone in the kitchen. How are you hearing it up here?" I'm a little shocked by his words. He has to be joking. I can hear it from here. It sounds like it's right there on the shoe island. I can hear it loud and clear.

"What? How- that's not- what?" I move out of his hold and walk over to the island. It's only filled with shoes. No phone.

I turn around to see him look at me cautiously.

"Maybe it's in the bedroom. I can still hear it. It's getting louder." I say as I walk through the arc way of the closet door.

I glance around the room and it's no where to be found.

"Indigo, are you okay? Maybe you need to rest."

"Do you seriously not hear it?  It just keeps ringing it's driving me nuts." I say still inspecting the room. I walk closer to the door of the room and the noise grows. I walk through the door and down the stairs. The noise keeps getting louder and louder in my head it's making my head hurt. It sounds like the phone is being held right at my ear.

My head is pounding at this point and I some how made it to a back door. My vision is blurry and I drop down on my hands and knees panting gripping the green plush grass. I realize I'm outside now, but all I can hear is the phone ringing and buzzing extremely loud pounding into my head. It's excruciating. All I can feel is the pain in my head. Then I look up to see Connor trying to stand me up. I blink trying to steady myself. But I can't focus on anything but the noise.

Then I see it. I see a dead body by the edge of the woods in the enormous back yard. I scream at the top of my lungs. It feels like everything is in slow motion. I look to see Connor shaking me trying to get me out of this daze. Finally my mind clears and I no longer hear the phone. I feel wetness on my cheek and realize I'm crying.

I look at Connor and he's rubbing is hands up and down my arms and he pulls me into hug him. I clutch onto him and cry even harder. What the heck just just happened?

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