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The faint light coming from the dirty window next to the bed awoke me.

With a sigh and a hop I was up and out of the tiny bed. I made my way to the not so spacious bathroom.

After I did my business and brushed my teeth with the old toothpaste that sat on the stained counter top with my finger, I put my jacket back on and my ragedy trainers on and put my dirty brunette hair in a simple ponytail.

I took a glance down at the map, checked the time, and left the room.

It was 9:54 so by Sun down I should get close enough to the border on foot. As I passed the lady in the front of the place she frowned at me and I noticed the police cars out side and their red and blue lights.

They couldn't be after me could they? No, my mother still probably doesn't even know I'm gone yet. She probably won't even call the police when she notices that I'm gone anyway, she probably won't even find out I'm gone until her stupid boyfriend notices how messy the place is and call me and realize that I left their sorry butts.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"A man came last night, a little earlier than you did, and around 8:00 this morning I remembered that," she stopped speaking to breathe in again "I remembered that his room had no towels so when I knocked on the door no-one answered so I thought.. " she took a another breath. "That he was still asleep so I just opened the door, and I found him hung from the ceiling was terrible..." her face held a horrid expression as her raspy voice spoke about the poor man who committed suicide just a few rooms over where police men had just came out of.

"Oh" was all I said as I walked out the motel, cold air hitting me as I opened the door into the brisk winter morning.

About two hours later I reached a little cafe. I figured I could use a muffin.

When I walked I immediately felt the calming warm air. It smelled so good in here, I wish I could stay.

As I walked up to the counter I was greeted by a friendly employee behind the counter.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?" Let me just say, he was cute. He looked around my age, 17, possibly 18. Fair skin, blonde hair, electric blue eyes, very attractive. Too bad I'll never have a chance with a guy like that. The song Kiss me by Ed Sheeran softly started to play as I told him my order.

"Uhh I'll have a blue berry muffin, and a water bottle" I told him.

He quickly typed in the order, and told me the amount I was supposed to pay.

I handed him the money and went to sit down in a booth.

About 5 minutes later my order was ready. I quickly grabbed it and exited the store.

It was currently 4:39 in the afternoon and the sunsets at around six and I was no where near close to the border. Luck was not on my side today. I looked in my pocket to count how much money I had and I only had 5 bucks. Great. *insert sarcasm* down the block I could see a bank, and that's when I felt like God actually cared, cause I just remembered that I had a bank account that my dad made for me a couple years before he died and my mom turned to drugs for comfort. I think it's a savings account so that means all these years it's been growing. Hopefully I'll have enough to make it to Canada and live up there. I guess will see.

Humming to Teenage icon by The Vaccines, I opened the glass door of the bank. There was only one teller available right now so I had to wait in line behind 4 people. Might as well take in my surroundings.

The wall to my left and right were made out of glass, and the wall behind and in front of me were made out of brick. Behind the tellers was the safe. It was huge. 2 more people to go. There was an old black and white photo of what city hall looked like a long time ago. In the picture there was this really nice car in the picture. I wonder- "how may I help you young lady?" Said the teller breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh umm I think my-" I was interrupted by as a motorcycle busted through the glass wall to my left. Glass went everywhere. I shielded my face with my arms. The man on the motorcycle got off and held a gun up in the air. Great the one time I think I had some kind of luck.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!!" The man demanded. He was wearing all black and his motorcycle was all black too. He looked like he was white but everything was covered, he had a helmet on but you could faintly see through that clear piece on the front of it. It looks like he has bleach blonde hair and a tiny knife tattooed under his left eye. And -" AYE SWEETHEART I SAID GET DOWN!" Oh crap I'm not down. I stood there frozen, not able to move. Why aren't I moving!!!!.

"Ya know your lucky your pretty" the man spoke as he stalked over to were I was. He stood in front of me back turned to me.

"I think you know what I want" he smoothly told the bank teller.

The bank teller didn't hesitate to hand him a large sack of money.

"Thank you" He courtesyed to the teller and turned to me and grabbed my arm. He put his mouth up to my ear.

"Your coming with me" his hot breath whispered.

I couldn't move or react as he swiftly pulled me but my feet were planted to the ground.

"I don't want to hurt you" he paused "I don't want to hurt that pretty face" he gently put his hand on my chin, the his grip on my chin tightened and he was dangerously close to my face and hissed "now let's go" venom in his voice.

The next thing I know he's pulling me out with him and I'm getting onto his motorcycle.

"Hold on tight" he winked.

Well this is great. Could this get any worse? The motorcycle has to be going at least 90mph or faster cause everything was a huge blur I don't even know how he's seeing where he's going. Wait where are we going? Oh God. Well it's not like I had anything to live for anyway and I needed to get far away from here so hopefully were going far far away.

I tighten my grip on him and I can feel him stiffen then relax.

"Warming up to me aren't ya?"He turned around and asked.

As he turned around my grip on him loosened, the motorcycle swerved and I went flying.

CRACK! I hit a huge rock on the side of the road.

I felt numb. I could barley move my hand when I lifted it to touch my head. When I pulled my hand back to look at it all I saw was red. So much blood. Then everything went black. The last thing I remember was being pulled and then everything went dark.


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