
6K 216 47

tuesday 7:10 pm

calling... ushijima wakatoshi!

the dial tone rang in tani's ear a few times before she heard a click.

"hello?" ushijima's voice boomed on the other end. tani smiled.

"hey wakatoshi! i just got home, sorry i was a little late," she said, shaking her head and tapping her fingers on her leg.

"hi, tani. don't worry about it. how was practice?" he asked.

the conversation felt a bit formal which made tani a little anxious.

"it was alright, they were pretty tired though. it was probably from the practice match yesterday, honestly," she responded, laughing softly, then adding, "which i mean, is kind of concerning because they need to be able to play multiple games back to back and not get too tired."

"for national qualifying, you mean?" ushijima asked.


suddenly a clanging noise echoed throughout tani's house. she furrowed her brows, standing from the side of her bed and walking out of her room.

"is everything okay?" ushijima asked.

"um, hold on one second. tooru?!" she called.

she walked to the top of the stairs, looking down and seeing tooru at the bottom, a plate laying on the ground surrounded by cookies on the floor.

they both looked at each other silently for a couple of seconds, before tani began laughing uncontrollably.

"i hate you," tooru pouted.

"D-DID YOU FALL?!" tani wheezed, taking a photo on her phone.

"shut up," tooru groaned, standing up and cleaning up his mess.

tani doubled over, clutching her stomach and continuing to laugh.

"is everything okay?" ushijima's voice asked from the other end.

tani sat down at the top of the stairs to catch her breath. "y-yeah," she breathed. "tooru f-fell down-" she started laughing again. "he fell down the st- the stairs!" she wheezed.

"stopppp! who are you talking to?!" tooru cried.

"i would have loved to see that," ushijima chuckled a little.

"i took a pic- picture-" she said, pulling up her camera roll and seeing the photo, not being able to contain her laughter once again.

"i have fucking tears!" she cried.

"WHO IS THAT?" tooru exclaimed.

"wakatoshi," tani said, trying to catch her breath.

"what?" ushijima asked.

"WHY ARE YOU ON THE PHONE WITH HIM?" tooru shrieked.

"oh, no tooru just asked me who i was talking to," she ignored tooru's question, answering ushijima's.

"hello?!" tooru said, annoyed.

"noneya," tani responded to him.


"bitch!" she mocked.

"double bitch!"

"triple bitch!"

"infinity bitch! ha!" tooru proudly said.

tani flicked him off, walking down the stairs past her brother. "i'm sending you the photo," she said to ushijima, laughing again upon seeing it.

she quickly sent it to ushijima's contact on her phone.

on the other end she heard a soft laugh.

"are you laughing? did i make you.. LAUGH?" tani exclaimed proudly.

"yes, yes, that photo was quite funny," ushijima smiled to himself.

"this is the best day of my life," tani jokingly said.

"just because i laughed?" ushijima asked.

"YES! i hear you don't really laugh much and i got one out of you!"

"hey- i do too laugh," he retaliated.

"oh really now?"


"i'm texting tendou."



idiots + boomers
tuesday 7:22 pm

How often does Wakatoshi

tani simp
not very often




tani simp
it literally says you are sus
like the video game, sus



"gotcha!" tani said as she saw tendou's response in the group chat.

"okay, listen i may be serious but i'm not heartless," ushijima defended.

"of course you aren't! i mean, iwa's serious like you and he warmed up to me! so i'm going to get you to warm up to me too!"

"you want that?"

"of course i do!"

the two talked for the rest of the night, not even realizing just how much time had passed. at some point they switched to a facetime call.

by 2 am, they finally decided to go to sleep, but didn't hang up the phone and instead fell asleep on call together.

tani fell asleep first, exhausted from the day and not used to staying up so late.

ushijima admired her through the screen. one day, he thought, maybe we'll fall asleep together in real life instead of through a phone.

updated 8/20/23

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