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saturday 6:42 am

unintentionally, all of  the training camp boys crashed in the two hotel rooms for the night.

tani woke up on her left side, smelling the strong scent of chlorine in her hair and feeling her head laying on something hard.

she slowly opened her sleepy eyes, only to see that she was draped over ushijima on one of the beds.

his arm was wrapped around her shoulders and her head was laying on his shoulder, her arm laying across his chest.

her eyes widened in sheer embarrassment as she carefully removed herself from him, only then noticing that their legs were tangled together.

she stepped off of the bed, careful not to make any noise, almost stepping on an ankle belonging to lev, who was sleeping soundly on the floor, a pillow under his head and a too-small blanket covering him, but exposing his knees down to his feet.

they slept over? tani thought, furrowing her brows, confused as she stepped over bokuto and akaashi sleeping on the floor sharing a huge blanket between the two of them.

she quietly made it to her suitcase on a dresser in front of the bed that tooru and iwaizumi were sharing.

tani decided to wake them up after she was done showering, as they all seemed knocked out and 20 more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt anything. but either way she had to drive them back to the dorms.

she grabbed the outfit she'd planned for the day before hopping into the shower. she was relieved to take off the sweatpants and t shirt she'd been wearing since 3 pm yesterday.

after her shower, she stole ushijima's room key and went into the other room across the hall, not caring about making noise because she was waking them up anyways.

on one bed was kenma and kuroo, and on the other, tendou, yaku, and konoha were all sharing the bed, making it look tiny. she laughed a little, before shaking kuroo's and kenma's shoulders.

"wake up, you guys have to go back home," she softly said, earning groans from both boys. kenma's eyes opened first and he sat up, squinting and stretching.

tani went over to the other bed and woke them up the same, but tendou was sleeping too deeply that he didn't even notice her. she decided to let him be since he didn't have to be anywhere and he was probably hungover anyways just like the rest of the guys.

once all four boys were up and awake, tani went back to the other room to wake the last three.

konoha, yaku, kuroo, and kenma all enter the room soon after tani did, looking like absolute messes.

the quiet shuffling and whispers woke ushijima, whose arm was still the way that tani left it, laying straight where tani was once laying.

"morning!" tani smiled at him as he placed a hand over his mouth, yawning.

"good morning, tani. what time is it?"

"it's like 7:15. i have to take everyone back to where their camp is. sorry for waking you!" she said quietly, trying to play off the fact that she found his morning voice hot.

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