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Your pov.

I can't believe I just spent so much time with HARRY STYLES. He was good to me. We exchanged our numbers.

You could not sleep so you decided to watch movie. You switched on the T.V and the news showed animals attack. You searches about it on you laptop. There were rumours about it being a Vampire attack. Topics like this always amused you coz you ever believed in any supernatural thing like Vampires, but now suddenly you decided to research on the topic.

It was 12:30 a.m.

You could not believe what you were reading.

Vampire's faces turn pale when they need blood or they like something and also when they are hungry. They can not stand blood. Their emotions are highlighted and their speed increases. They can compel people to do and forget things. Their wounds heal quickly and they can heal other with their blood.
Article ended , at least for you, you didn't want to read it further. You mind was now occupied by Harry's thoughts.

"Harry" you said softly "please pick tu the call , please" you were pacing back and forth while trying to call him.
With 5th ring he answered.

"Hello" he said in his sleepy voice.

Damn his voice.

"Harry" I replied

"Y/n, you okay? Is everything good? Do you need anything?" He asked worriedly.

"Harry, I need you , right now . Can you come to my place?"

"Yea, I can sure,but first tell me are you safe ?" He asked again.

"Yea , but please come soon"you said almost on the verge of crying

"I'll be there in 5" and put the phone down.


Lights up and they know who you are? Know who you are. Do you know who are?

It was Harry ringing

"Hey I in front of your house"he said.

"Come in" I  said

He stood silent for some time, the. He said "I can't"

"Why?" Why can't he come in.

"I don't want you to know that right now , just come out" I can sense fear on his voice. What is that he is hiding?

"I won't come out H, I am coming down to open the door and I want to to come in" I said and cut the call

I am scared, but I need to know everything now. I opened the door and saw his green eyes gazing at me , his curls fell perfectly on his forehead.

"In" I commanded

He got in. We were heading to our room.Once we got in I latched the door behind us.

"Oh! You have some plans for me, I see" he smirked.
I walked to my bed and sat there and asked him to sit beside me. He did as I said. That's when i noticed that there was no sign of the wound on his neck.

"How is it possible?" I said out loud.
"Wh....What?" Harry asked confused.
"I hurt you with my bracelet Harry just few hours ago and now there is no mark of it, how's that possible?" I was shocked.
"No you didn't hurt me ,it was just-" I cut him " No Harry , I remember, you were burnt , I don't know how that happened but it did"

He couldn't argue further. He was quite. He knew someday you'll know about all of this but not so soon. 

Harry's pov

I can no longer lie to her. I can not compel her and now I am in her house in her bed room which is full on One Direction Posters and our solo poster along with our merchandise.
I am still sitting on her bed while she is walking around in the room waiting for my answer.
She's in her grey shorts and get hoodie with her hair tied in a messy bun. She's perfectly beautiful. And as much as I hate to admit it ,I've started falling for her.

"Answer me Harry Styles" she demanded
"It was nothing seriously y/n" I lied

"No more lies Mr.Styles" she sat beside me "I need the truth" I looked at her still my mouth shut.
"I saw you face turn pale and veins oozing out when we played Fine line. In the park with an blink of an eye you err there to save me. Your face turned pale again when you were cleaning the blood from my forehead. There is no mark on you neck of the burn and moreover you house is 45 minutes away from mine and you were here in 5 minutes. Explain me everything. I want to know" she sighed

My eyes widened as I looked at her.

"Who are you?" She asked as she got up from the bed

Who am I ? How am I supposed to answer that? Will she leave me if I tell her the truth? I looked at her. She looked serious than ever.

"Y/n actually the question is not Who I am? The question is What I am ?" I looked up at her.

She's confused.

"You wanna hear the truth?" She nodded

"I am a Vampire" I finally told her. And I am not gonna compel her.

She took more steps backwards to keep distance from me.

"Y-you are a Vampire?" She could hardly speak.

"I am,but please don't leave y/n , I am never gonna hurt you. Believe he" I said as I walked towards her.

She put her hand in front as self defence. Tears were falling from her eyes.

"I will never hurt you and will never let anyone do it and with that on" I said pointing out at the bracelet " no vampire can hurt you or compel you"

She looked at the bracelet and then at me. "What's it? I remember, you said no evil can come near me when I have this. What does that mean?"

I won't lie to her now.

"It's vervain , a herb that is poisonous to Vampires. If you have that no Vampire can compel you or bite you." I told her.

"Why did you give it to me?" She asked.
Should I tell her?

"I wanted to protect you from the Vampires I didn't want anyone to hurt you. Mostly I wanted to protect you from me. I want to spend more time with you y/n. I know we've been tiger only for few hours but I really like you, do you wanna do a bunch of fun stuff with me?" I told her everything she was suppose to know at that time.

She looked at me " I need you to leave right now"

"What? Why ?" I wanted to stay  with her.

"Harry now , please" I understood this was too much for her to take so I decided not to argue

She accompanied me till the main gate. I was about to leave when I her her call my name as soon as I turned around , she jumped in my arms. I held her tight. I didn't want this moment to slip away. I held her as close to me as I could. We hugged for what felt like forever, before the broke the hug.

"Good Night, H" she said

"Good night , love" I smiled and walked away.

She knows it. She know the truth now and she still hugged me after knowing I am a monster. She didn't change at all. How can someone not love her ? But her life is about to change in the way she never expected and  I am going to be with her no matter what.

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