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Y/f/n's pov.

"Hurry up Louis, my y/n will be at the airport soon." I yelled

"Shh..... calm down. You are too loud and excited"he said wearing his shoes.

We got out and now were on our way to the airport.

"Harry is coming tomorrow" he told me.

'Wow that's great. I am so happy that our best mates will be with us on our special day" I said.

" I know but how are y/n and Harry gonna react to each other. They haven't talked in years. It was all Harry's fault but he still loves her." He said taking my hand.

" I know Lou , even I am worried about that. Even y/n isn't seeing anyone as far as I know. They both still love each other but are not ready to confess. I just hope everything goes well" I said.

We reached the airport and after some time I received y/n's text.


Y/n: I am heading out.

"She's here, let's go" i said and we got out.

We saw each-other and I ran to her. Ofc I haven't seen her in years.

"I missed you so much" I said hugging her.

"I missed you too and congratulations" she said.

"Hey Louis" she went to him and hugged him.

"Hey love. How was the flight?" He asked.

"Tiring and you won't stop calling me love , will you?" She asked

"Never and my wife has no problem with that" he said and winked at her.

I noticed something. A ring , on her ring finger.

Is she engaged? If she is then I'll have to prepare a coffin. Harry will literally kill the guy. He had always been 'what's mine is mine' kind of a person.

"Y/n. Are you engaged ?" I said in shock

"Yea. It happened on the Christmas." She said.

"Harry's coming tomorrow. We don't know how he'll take this" Louis said.

"Guys see we needed to move on. And I am sorry I didn't tell you guys but I am here with my fiancé" as those words left my mouth I could see that they were shocked.

"What? Where is he?" Louis asked unwillingly

She looked around.

"Oh there he is" she said pointing at the gate.

A 6 feet tall man emerged at the gate. He looked similar. Wait I Kano him. I know this man. I turned to look at Louis who had the same reaction. It was Harry. We couldn't react. We were feeling something but we didn't know what was that.

"HARRY" we screamed in unison

"Yea." She agreed.

Louis ran to him and hugged him.

"I hate you for not telling us this." He said

"Well it was a surprise" Harry said.

They came to us.

End of y/f/n's pov.


Louis's pov.

Y/n is here and she's engaged. She told us that she's here with her fiancé.

Harry's gonna kill that man. He'll be here tomorrow.

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