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Y/f/n's pov.

I got up and looked at Louis. I can't believe he's going to be my husband in few hours.

"Can I come in?" I heard y/n knocking

"Ofc" and she stepped in. She threw a pillow at Lou as soon she saw him. These two were really fun together. I bet.

"Oww what was that for?" He said in his sleepy dramatic voice.

"You were suppose to be at Harry's house with lads? Isn't it?" She said throwing another cushion at him.

"Why?" He groaned

"Coz it your wedding and you aren't suppose to see y/f/n until it's in church." Harry said entering the room.

"Oh no. You aren't taking you psycho girlfriend side. Are you?" He asked covering himself again.

"YES. I am and I'd say you should do the same if you wanna make to your wedding alive" Harry giggled.

"No, I am not leaving my beautiful wife here" he said looking at me.

"Oh my Lou but you have to go" I said kissing him and soon Harry lifted him in his arm and carried him down.

Lads are gone.


"I'll take bath and then we can start getting ready" I told y/n

"Dress is at Harry's place. Shit. I'll call Daddy Direction to get it" she told me.


Liam managed to get the dress without Louis knowing it and we stared getting ready.

End of y/f/n's pov.


Louis pov.

I can't believe I am getting married to the woman that I love. But I can't it either that Harry who's gonna be my best mate literally threw me in the car.

"You'll get married soon Harry" I said giving him a death glare.

"I know Louis, but today is your day" he replied.

But then I remembered something.

I looked at him again.

"You know you and y/n were really loud last night" I said

"Yea I couldn't sleep"Zayn continued.

"And I was running out of water last night when I had to use bathroom" Niall said.

"Yea I could hear Harry no please just no" Niall said in moaning causing us to laugh.

Harry looked at us confused and then final,y decided to speak.

"Guys we didn't even have sex last night. What's wrong with you people?" he said looking at us annoyed. And we pretended to look outside the window.

We were at Harry house now, getting ready.

I was the first one to get ready and believe me these stupid people didn't help me a bit, I don't know why y/n tagged the, with me. Until Harry finally did a little bit of makeup on me.

"How do we look Lou?" Zayn asked as he stood with the other boys.

They looked amazing but ofc I wasn't gonna say that.

"You guys don't look bad.I must say." And they reacted as of they were expecting the answer. 

The boys👇🏻

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