-Forever with you~-

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This was requested by the same person which is Dorky-Lydia and this is a hybrid AU'S.

Sapnap: half Panda

Dream: half zombie

George: half wolf

That's all bye!

Ship: dreamnotnap.

Author pov.

Sapnap was walking in the woods while playing with his power(cause he lonely). He didn't realize there is a ravine approach him Infront of him.

He fell into the ravine and sprained his ankle(this is why you should pay attention-).
He hold his ankle and crying and screaming for help but nothing.

After a few second of screaming and crying sapnap wanted to give up as he knew nobody came.

Dream and George walking in the same woods and then they're heard someone screaming nearby them. Before they go to the other way to find who the one is screaming they're wanted to check the revine Infront of them.

When they're go to that revine and look inside they're saw a boy who crying and screaming.

They're check their inventory but there's is no rope or ladder.

"Hey you!!" George scream.

Sapnap stop screaming and look at him with a tears in his eyes and try to hold the pain.

"We will came back with some supplies to get you out!" George scream.

"And a med-kit!!" Dream add.

Sapnap nod and they're both go to get the supplies.

After a few moment later they're get back and George climbed down to the revine using ladder. When George finally touching the ground he see sapnap sleeping. George pick him up without waking him up and climbed back. When they're almost out of the revine sapnap wake up gasp a little making the other two jump as well.

George and sapnap almost fell but luckily dream hold him. After they're out of the revine dream pull out a med-kit and started to heal sapnap.

After heal sapnap dream and George starting to heal each other cause there is some mod attacking them before they're get here.

"Who are you?" Dream asked.

"I am sapnap.." sapnap said.

"Oh well... I am dream!" Dream said.

"And I am George​" George said.

"Oh well.. nice meeting you guys!" Sapnap said.

"Yeah same" George and dream said in the same time.

They're walked together, hang out together and everything together. They're call themselves the Dream team.

After a few years later they're realize that they're have a feeling for each other.

"Hey guys!" Sapnap said cheerful.

"Hey there!" Both of them said.

"What half are you guys?" Sapnap ask as he doesn't know since they're never told each other.

" I am half zombie" dream said

"I am half wolf" George said.

"Well you?" Both of them ask sap.

" Well I'm half Panda" sapnap said.

They're smile warmly.

"Well we're here wanted to tell you something..." Dream said as he slightly blush same as George.

Sapnap silent as he hear them.

"Well I know it's may sound crazy but... We're kinda like you... But it's okay if you doesn't like us back..." George said.

Sapnap blush as he tears up.

"I like your guys too!!!" Sapnap said making both of them surprised.

They're hug each other.

"Will you be our boyfriend's?" Dream said.

"Yes yes!!!" Sapnap said.

After a few years later.

They're cuddles in their rooms as their child sleeping(they adopted a child Kay! Don't think dirty)

"I love you guys so much" dream said.

"We love you too" Both of them said.

And then fall asleep

The end

This is the first time I write something short in Wattpad.


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