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This will contain smut. Guess what? I'm bad at writing smut now shush- this will be trash.

Dream kiss sapnap again but this time is more rough.

After a few minutes later they broke the kiss to catch some air. Sapnap look at dream. So as dream.

Dream take sapnap clothes and play with his nipple( i see a nipple kink-). Sapnap let out a few low moan and a groaned. Dream look at sapnap as he adore on how sapnap look.

His face was flush red, eyes close. dream though it was so hot. They both has waiting for this moment to arrive. They has dream about this all the time and sometimes wonder if they get to do it but this day it will prove that they get to do it.

Both boy's was nervous as it was their first time to do this. Dream attack the younger neck making the ravennette moan. He left a few mark on the younger neck. Some of them are noticeable and some is hidedable.

Dream kiss the mark that he made. He felt proud of what he just did. Sapnap just look at dream with a lustful eyes. The dark brown and the emerald eyes meet each other. Their eyes lock together. The contact was not akward or stupid it just fill with love.

They didn't believe that they doing it right now.

"Will you be a good boy for me? Puppy~" Dream said with a flirty voice.

"MmH~ Y-yes I w-will be a g-good boy!~"

"Heh good boy~"

Dream take of his clothes same as sapnap. Sapnap laid there and take whatever dream will do to him. He love to be used. He want dream inside of him.

Soon dream take their pants off and open the drawer to find a lube. Dream find the lube and setting it beside the night stand. Dream see a vibrator.

' this gonna be fun ' dream though.

Dream take the vibrator and set it next to the lube that he just find. Dream look at sapnap who was just look at him. Dream smirked and take the lube.

Dream lube three of his finger. Dream close the lube bottle
and look at sapnap hole, His hole was twitch. Dream look at sapnap and give the are you ready? Face. Sapnap nod as he grip the bed sheet.

Dream push the first finger which make sapnap moan of pain and pleasure. Dream give sapnap a minute to adjust. Sapnap nod signaling that he can move. Dream thrust in and out made the younger moans a lil bit loud.

Then dream add another finger and start scissoring him. Sapnap moans really loudly. Dream look at sapnap and one more time he was proud of his work.

Sapnap is a mess as you could tell. Blush across his cheeks and noise, His eyes close, a tear in his cheeks, sweat starting to show up. Dream add the last finger and thrust them in and out which make sapnap flinched.

When dream think sapnap ready he pull out his finger which made sapnap whimper.

"Do you really want this sapnap?" Dream said as he lube his cock.

"NgH!~ y-YeSs!~ j-just FUCK mE!~" Sapnap said between his moan.

Dream chuckled a lil bit. He slowly thrust in his cock in a very slow peace. When he all the way in he wait for sapnap to adjust to his size.

After a few minutes later sapnap nod giving dream a signal that he can move. When dream received a nod from sapnap dream pull out his cock and thrust in. Dream does the same peace. Slow and careful.

"AgH!~ F-fAs-AHH FaSter!~" sapnap said between his moan.

"As you wish my love~" dream said.

Dream picking up his peace making the younger moan loudly. Dream fast thrust making the younger orgasm come really fast.

"D-DrEaM!~ cL- CloSe!!~" sapnap yell out.

"C-come for me baby~" dream said as he didn't realize that he stutter a bit.

Sapnap come with a loud moans. The cum cover sapnap stomach and dream stomach. Not a long after that dream come deep inside sapnap.

Dream couldn't find sapnap prostate but it's fine as he get whole year to do it.

After a few hours later sapnap became a lil bit calmer. His breath become normal. Dream pull out of sapnap ass and see his cum leak out of sapnap hole.

"H-hah that w-was fun" sapnap said as he got calmer.

"Yeah we should do it again often" dream said.

They both chuckled and drifted to sleep.


Heather: Wish I was Heather.

Me: *has a flashback about my crush in the middle school but my crush made fun of me and kiss one of my classmate.* ...

Me: *Cry in the corner* STAPHHH

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