Part 1: Going to Florida!

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Smut//ofc// and Fluff//At the end//
Hello I'm sorry for not posting but next time I try to update as much as I can cause I was stuck on that one request but meh enjoy :)

Readers pov..//

A few month ago sapnap told dream he was gonna go to UK to meet George. Dream want to go too but since he doesn't want to reveal his face you know... Fans. Then sapnap said if he wanted to go but dream declined his offer.

Now it's time for sapnap to finally came to Florida (If I'm not wrong) with our lovely sleeping beauty of course the one and only.. George! Yay-

Dream was so excited now the trio is gonna meet up and stuff but didn't tell their fans cause dream don't want to don't ask me go ask him-

Dream wake up from his beautiful sleep and check the time.

'ughh what Time is it?' dream thought//Idk anymore/

Dream check the time and it was 5:30 am.

"Damn I only sleep like a few hours ago but eh" dream said to himself.

Dream stand up from his bed and goes to shower.

5:59 am.

Dream finally get out of the shower and goes to his closet and wear clothes.

After that he went to the kitchen and make coffee cause he sleepy as fuck-

6:00 am

Now it's time for dream to go to the airport to pick sapnap and George. he wear his outfit and wear his mask

His outfit were a black hoodie with a smiley face on it and a black-ish pant and also a necklace (?) That pure gold.

Dream go get his car keys until George Text him. Dream open the text that George sent.

Hey dream where are you? Me and sapnap almost arrive at Florida....--George

Oh otw//On the way..---Dream

Okay but still man hurry up I'm gonna tell you something that happen in UK--George

Uhhh okay???---Dream

Dream was confuse by this but decide to shrug it off and get into his car and drive to the airport

After dream arrive at the airport dream spot a nearby cafe with not so many people and since he forget to eat breakfast he goes inside the cafe and ofcourse try to hide his face.

Meanwhile with George and sapnap

//George// pov

After I text dream I went to look over my shoulder and see sapnap sleeping on my shoulder. I chuckle a lil bit. And then the captain said that there's only one hours before arrive to Florida. My face light up a little bit cause I finally get to meet dream face-to-face!

I want to wake up sapnap but then I heard him sleep talking say something that made me fluster a little bit such as

'You cute....' or 'Hmm~ Love you hm....'

God if only you know on how red am I right now. He said in such a soft and flirty tone and that made me even redder than before

After a few more minutes I was zoning out until I heard the captain said that we will be landing on Florida now and I wake sapnap up and tell him that we now landing on Florida.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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