1K+(a.k.a 2k) special!!!

1.5K 23 32

This was supposed to sent a long time ago but Wattpad delete my works so here we go again.

Ship: Dreamnap(XDnap)
Au: God au

Au explain:

So basically in this au not everyone is a God cause it would be not fair as it's has to much goddes. only a chosen people is a God. DreamXD is dream.

Nobody pov.

Dream walking around the town as everyone talk about him a.k.a they king. Everyone wanted to be his wife. I mean who wouldn't wanted to be a queen right?(ex. Me cause it's have alot of thing to do XD).

'i really need to make my decision fast.' dream though.

Nobody in the town know that dream is 'DreamXD' which is a good thing as he hate a girl around him and flirty with him. He hate it. But George know that dream is 'DreamXD'. Dream has told him a long time ago as George promise to keep it as a secret.

"DREAM!!!" A voice yell.

Dream look up and see his other best friend sapnap.

"Hey panda what's wrong? You seem excited" dream said as sapnap pant.

"Yeah! You know the king is hosting a party(a.k.a dance thing that they do in castle) at the castle!" Sapnap said with an excited tone.

Dream almost forget about the party that he hosting.

"Oh yeahhhh" dream said, dragging the 'h'.

Dream smiled as sapnap was literally jumping excited like a little child. He had to admit that sapnap look so adorable and cute. Dream blush a lil bit.

"Anyways do you has a clothes/suit for the dance?" Sapnap said, making dream snap out of his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah actually i'm not going cause i'm busy this night" dream said as he trying to make an accuse.

"Ooh..." Sapnap said, sounded like a disappointed.

"Hey! Don't worry I try to go there if I have time" dream said.

"Oh okay then!" Sapnap said with a happy tone.

"Bye dream!" Sapnap said.

"Bye- wait sap!" Dream said.

Sapnap stop his tracks and turn around.

"What is it?" Sapnap said.

" Do you has a crush on the king?" Dream said.

Sapnap went all red and covering his face as he blush.

Dream laugh at that as he see his best friend blushing.

"O-of cou- course" sapnap muttered, but loud enough for dream to hear.

"Ooohhh~ tea" dream said.

"In the same time i-i love y-you." Sapnap said quietly, but loud enough for dream to hear.

Dream turn red as he heard that sentence from sapnap. He couldn't believe his own ears.

After that and it's almost the party. Dream in his bedroom still in his human form laying on the bed. Staring at the ceiling. He wanted to show his human form but in the same time he's scare. What if sapnap and him dating and then a random girl kiss him in front of sapnap and then they broke up?

He made a decision to show his human form after he propose to sapnap to be his boyfriend.

After that he turned into his God form to chose an outfit to wear.

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