Chapter 6

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Percy POV
Today's the day. Annabeth Chase is going to tutor me. To say that I'm not nervous would be a fucking lie. I've been fidgeting the whole time during lessons. More than usual.

Last Friday, during the guy's meet-up, Jason had told me not too much about it. "Look, Annabeth is not the judgemental kind of person. You just ask whatever you need to ask for school, alright." That bit of information calmed me a bit. But still, I'm nervous as hell.

I was waiting for her at one of the tables in the library after school. My earpieces were blasting music into my ears, distracting me from my thoughts that were roaring in my head. Whatever school work I had was on the table.

Gods, what am I thinking? This is not a date with Annabeth Chase. This is just a tutoring session. Calm down.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head and felt my heart stop for a bit as I beheld a pair of beautiful grey eyes. Lo and behold, the school star player and genius had arrived. "Hi." She greeted. "Hey," I greeted back as I took off my earpieces. She wore a simple white shirt and blue jeans while carrying her school bag.

"So which subject do you need help in?" She asked as she sat beside me, putting her bag down on the floor and taking out her pencil case. Straight to the point. "Um, a lot of subjects actually," I said sheepishly, passing her my work. I saw her face turned into one of confusion as she flipped through my school work. The only thing I had on there were a few scribbles here and there or just a blank page.

"I suffer from dyslexia and ADHD. So I find it hard to focus in lessons." I quickly explained. Annabeth's face changed a bit. Her grey eyes seem to be calculating and thinking of a plan. "How much do you know for each subject?" She asked. "Just the basics. My best subjects are History and Greek."

"You speak Greek?"
"Yeah. My dad was Greek so I decided to learn the language for his sake. Honestly, it's easier to learn than English. The dyslexia isn't as bad."
"Hmm. I see. Well, your situation is definitely much more complicated than expected. I may need to teach you some of the topics from the start again. So it's gonna take some time."

"But, my grades is gonna improve right?" I asked.
"Well, it depends how much you're gonna listen to me. And how long you could stay focus." She replied.
"You have a plan for that?"
"I always do. Do you plan to follow?"
"I can try."
"Good. Now, which subject do you want to start first?" That was when my 2 hour long torture began.


Gods. Remember when I said 2 hour long torture. I may have under-exaggerated it. It was like torture in hell. Imagine trying to focus on something for 2 hours. With ADHD. In fact, we're only an hour in and I'm already suffering.

The only reason I managed to pull through was Annabeth's patience and willingness to teach me. The first person to do so. With the exception of Mr Brunner and Paul.

I would like to believe I did well today. Like being able to complete half of my on my own, well with some aid from Annabeth, that's an achievement. I could only do a maximum of like 5 questions and I'm done.

After that hour, I got my first break. With a mushy brain, I decided to do the most logical thing. I took a nap. In front of one of the hottest and most popular girl in school. I put my head on the table and closed my eyes, drifting off. It felt like quick second later when I felt a nudge more my shoulder.

"You drool when you sleep," I heard Annabeth say. I opened my eyes and saw Annabeth look over me, handing me a tissue paper. I got up and accepted it, wiping the drool off my face, before putting it in my pocket. I felt my face warmed. This is fucking embarrassing.

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