Chapter 9

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Percy POV
"Stop fucking moving, would you?" Thalia scolded. We were at Thalia's place, fixing me up from my beat down with Luke. Currently, they were applying ointment on me on her couch. Quite gently. Note my sarcasm.

"Well, it's not helping when you're applying it this hard," I complained, fidgeting a bit more as she tried applying it on my face. "That's it, Kelp head. Neeks, hold him down."

Instantly, Nico pinned me against the couch as hard as he could. Thalia then proceeded to rub the ointments my wound. Really, really gently this time.

The harder I struggled, the worse the treatment got. By the time they were done, I was exhausted from struggling. With every inch of my injuries in pain. I could tell from his panting, Nico himself was tired from holding me down. And also the fact he was lying flat on the floor.

"Now with that done, mind telling us why my ex attacked you?" Thalia asked as she kept the ointment in the first aid kit.

"It still surprises me that you guys had dated before." I commented. "And it still surprises me that you guys did it together too." Nico huffed a comment.

"Please. That was like one time. It was extremely fucking disappointing," Thalia said, "The bastard like only lasted a minute or so."

"He seems pretty satisfied about it," I said.

"Well I fucking wasn't. I was expecting something better for my first time. Now back to my question, why did he attack you?"

"Other than fact I'm like his punching bag? Probably because I'm talking to his 'girl', and he didn't like it."

"Girl?" Thalia asked.

"Her name is Annabeth. She's the captain of the volleyball team."

"Annabeth as in Annabeth Chase? Isn't she like rich or something. I heard her family owns like an archaeology company or something."

"Yeah, that's her. Castellan wants to make her his. And me talking to her isn't something that he likes."

"Sounds like something he would do. Anymore reasons why?" Thalia asked.

"Maybe because I also spit on his which made it worse." I replied shamelessly.

"I wonder why he got so pissed." Nico said sarcastically as he got up and walked towards the kitchen, flicking my forehead on the way. Before I could respond, the doorbell rang.

Thalia walked towards the door and answered it, revealing Jason, Frank and Leo, who entered the house.

"I heard what happened. Castellan still can't keep his hands to himself?" Jason greeted.

"No shit, Sherlock. Can't you see his wounds," Leo commented. "Hey, I'm just asking." Jason replied.

"Is this about Annabeth again or the usual?" Frank asked. "Both, actually. Where's Grover?"

"Where else? He went on a date with Juniper," Leo said with annoyance, "Life of someone in a relationship."

"Why so annoyed? Getting a little bored of us, Leo?" I teased. "Don't be sad, Leo. You'll find the girl soon enough." Jason teasingly assured. "Or you can be like me, single." Thalia teased

"I hate you guys," Leo grumbled. All of us laughed in turn.

"So little brother, how's Piper?" Thalia asked. "She's okay, I guess. She's a pretty chill person," Jason answered.

"Piper? Isn't she like Annabeth's friend?" I asked. "I think so. I saw her walking towards them today during lunch," Jason replied

"Who's Piper?" Nico asked as he finally came out of the kitchen, sipping on a carton of apple juice. "What the fuck took you so long?" Thalia asked. "I was searching for the juice, Pinecone Face." Nico replied

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