Chapter 12

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Annabeth POV
Two days have passed since Seaweed Brain receive the sober news. And our little event to cheer him up. That was honestly really memorable. Unfortunately, as they said, all good things must come to an end.

However, they didn't say how bad things will begin after that. Said bad thing is the dreaded date I have with Luke fucking Castellan. Thanks, dad.

I was in my room, wearing the dress that my dad bought for the date. A bright blue dress that seemed to be a bit too extravagant. My previously usual curly ponytail has been let down. My dad had also wanted me to put on some makeup to look 'prettier' as he said.

Honestly, from the amount of makeup he told me to put on, I'm just gonna look like a fucking doll.

I had texted Percy earlier, to get some sort of quick comfort. Well, let's just say it's good enough. Piper and Reyna also had texted me soon after. They were of course concerned about the date with him.

Piper: You're gonna be fine right?

Reyna: Is the asshole there yet?

Reyna: Hold him there

Reyna: Let me talk to him

Me: I'll be fine guys. I don't need Prince asshole to get another excuse with my dad

Me: If anything crops up, I'll say

Reyna: You better

Reyna: He touches you and that's his end

Me: Unfortunately, that may be the plan.

I heard a knock on the door and a voice spoke. "Ms Chase?" my family's butler, Chiron, called out. Yes, we have a family butler. My family is affluent enough to hire one.

"Coming," I replied. I quickly sent the girls a quick last text and kept my phone in the purse I'm supposed to bring before I answered the door. Chiron was standing there in his usual attire. A white collared shirt with a black bowtie, along with a black suit overwear and white gloves.

"Your guest is here to fetch you,' Chiron told me, "Your father wishes for you to greet him immediately." I felt sick to my stomach as I nodded my head in grim response and left the room to meet my doom.


I reached the hallway on the second, which has two stairs leading down to the front lobby. I reached it and saw my dad and Luke talking to each other. They seem to realise my presence when they turned to look at me.

I slowly strode down the stairs, the dress trailing behind me. My dad looked annoyed and a bit infuriated. Luke, however, had a please look. Along with clear lust in his eyes.

I knew how I looked to him. What my dad made me look like. A priced mare to pacify the son of an allied corporate empire. A fucking sacrifice to him.

"I thought I asked you to put more makeup?" The first thing my dad said. "This is enough for me," I replied, biting down the sass that wants to explode on him right now.

However, it seems that he could sense the hidden sass and was about to lash out, when Luke intervened. "She's beautiful enough to forgo the makeup. May I take her out now?"
"Of course, Young Castellan," my dad said to him with a smile. He turned towards me and instantly put on a stern face. "You best make sure he is satisfied today, or you're gonna get it from me," he warned

I glared at him but didn't say anything as I walked by my dad, and passed Luke, out the front door. At the driveway, there was a black Audi with a young man, that seem to be a slight bit older than me, waiting at a car door to the driver's seat.

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