Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Let's talk about awkward.

The five of us―Andrea, Kryss, Jacob, Connor and I were seated in a dining table, consuming Andrea's specialty in silence. Yeah, Connor. He was the one who was behind the door, breaking mine and Jacob's blissful moment. When I let him entered the house, his eyes fell on Jacob, his muscles suddenly became tensed. Connor heard about Kryss that was why he came here. No one knew about what happened to Kryss except Becca, Jacob, Andrea and I. But maybe my brother or my best friend texted him.

And here I was, seated between Connor and Jacob who were taking turns in offering me a food. Andrea―who was settled at the end side of the table ―and Kryss―who was opposite me―were exchanging confusing glances. If Connor was attempting in handing me the food, Andrea would frown but soon followed by a smile if it was Jacob. Both Kryss and Andrea had no idea that Jacob and I were having a hot make-out session a few minutes ago in the couch.

Because they were busy doing things.

"All I could say is that you are the best chef in the world, Andrea. God, I miss your cooking." Connor appreciated Andrea while munching some cookies. The glint in his eyes told us that he also missed her. Connor was visiting Kryss or would hang out with him in our house with their other friends when Andrea was here months ago, and he stopped coming over to our house when she went for a vacation. He was shell-shocked when he walked in the kitchen and saw Andrea. Just like Jacob, he hugged her like his life depended on it. She was also like a mother to him because he always went to her for advice. Advice for his girlfriends. Plural. Andrea knew already that Kryss' friends and also him were playboys.

"Thanks for that, dear. So, how's school? Found a real girlfriend?" She asked, clasping both of her hands on top of the table while smiling. Connor chuckled and then glanced at me then back to Andrea. Kryss and Jacob raised their brows in a questioning look but Andrea kept her smile. "There's this girl I've been waiting for. I just realized that I liked her a long time ago, and turns out that I adore and care for the girl. I hope I could say that to her, tell her that I love her."

We were left surprised by Connor's sudden revelation to the love of his life. He never said that thing when he became friends with my brother and being a playboy in his entire life.

They said that 'once a playboy, always a playboy.'

"Well, better introduce me to her before these guys could meet her first," Andrea told him in a mock-stern then glanced at Jacob and Kryss.

"Retiring from being a ladies' man, huh? Quitting from hooking up with cheerleaders?" Jacob scoffed, realizing that Connor would just quit from being a jerk and would settle for this girl.

"Speaking of cheerleaders, where's Becca? Has she gone home?" Kryss asked. Four pairs of eyes stared at him. I smirked, sensing something between them. "What? I was just asking!" He backed a little, not meeting my eyes.

"She was worried when I told her that you threw up in the morning and had a migraine. No need to be defensive, bro." Answering his question, I tossed him a devilish grin.

After we finished our food, I gave Andrea a helping hand in washing the dishes and cleaning the table. The boys were playing Call of Duty in Kryss' underground room and what they call cave room where my brother's friends would hang out in there if they don't have a class or if they don't have a practice in school.

Even the room was already located underground, their bellows and shouts can be heard from the room. Andrea would just laugh and shook her head, saying, "boys will be boys."

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