Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"No, Jacob. It's meiosis that has four haploid cells, not mitosis." Gosh, I'll be having headaches on him. It has been my thousandth time of teaching him about cell division.

"Then, why?" He asked quizzically while rubbing his chin with his fingers. I taught him about the cell division between the two. Analyzing the words in the book, he tapped his pen on the paper. Jacob was paying close attention to me while I was explaining about the cell division to him.

My phone rang.  I looked at the caller ID and it was my brother. I excused myself to Jacob and he nodded. I exited his room and closed the door. What am I gonna say to Kryss? Will he get mad? Oh no!

I answered the call and BOOM! I heard the deafening music, the screams of the ladies and roars of the gentlemen, and himself also screaming on the other line.

"Where're you now?" His voice in a higher pitch and is slow. What am I gonna answer?

"I-I'm here at my classmate's house, doing our p-project. Are you drunk?" Am I stuttering?

"No, I didn't even touched the red cup which was in front of me for a few hours. Are you hiding something from me? You're stuttering, Kori." Am I now?

"No! I am not," I snapped at him. "I'll hang up."

"No, no, no, wait.  What time are you coming home?"

"Don't know. I'll just call you. Are you home?"

"Nuh-uh. Laters, sis." He giggled and he hanged up. Was he a girl because he giggled?

I went back to the room and found him playing Call Of Duty on his Xbox 360. What the hell is he doing?! Not this time!

"What the hell? I thought..." I trailed off while pointing to him and to his study table again and again.

"Cooling off, Kors. I wanna freshen up my mind after dealing with those meiosis and mitosis." He responded while still playing Xbox. Pausing and saving the game, he looked back and approached me.

"We need to finish this, to perfect your exams for you to aim an A." I said with a matter-of-fact tone.

"You're such a goody goody, you know that." Am I?

"Am not," he smirked at me and headed towards the door. Giving him a quizzical look, I crossed my arms.

"Are too. Now, let's get something to eat. Come on." He motioned to the door and opened it. Following him, I was wandering in his house or let's just say his parents' huge house. With three abstract paintings hanging in the ceiling in their living room.

The first painting was filled with an array of clouds with different colors and a tree with no leaves at the right side. The second was an autumn season painting. Just the contrasting colors of the leaves with street lights and a bench on the side. The third one, red petals of flowers or maybe leaves covered the upper part that looked like falling to the ground with some of the thick and thin black stalks. The background was covered with a little blue and white on the upper part, then became red-orange on the middle and brown and dark brown on the latter part.

Was he fond of abstract painting? My inner goddess bugged me. Maybe his father or mother. No. How could lawyers be fond of painting? Was it Jacob?

"What would you like, Kori?" Pulling me out of my reverie, Jacob was holding a glass of wine... Wait... Wine? "Maybe you need this also, for you to reduce your anxiety on me. Dain has prepared us a Carbonara, a Creamy Pasta Carbonara." My favorite. Of all the foods that she has to cook, why my favorite? Maybe Jacob knows. Oh no, Was he stalking me?

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