She Finds Your Fanfiction

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~ Your POV ~

"Hey Y/N can I use your laptop to get on Twitter?" I heard my girlfriend ask from my room, I was getting us some movies from my brothers room for us to watch.

"Yea sure!" I screamed back, if only she didn't find - oh shoot.

"ALLY WAIT!" I ran in my room, but I was too late. She had found what I really didn't want her to see. Her eyes were wide but there was a small smile on her face.

"Oh my god." I mumbled before walking over and taking my laptop away from her. She tried to fight me on it, so I wouldn't take it.

"No Y/N! Let me read it! Please?" She pulled out the puppy dog eyes because she knew I couldn't say no. I groaned and gave in. I was allowing my girlfriend to read the fanfiction I wrote for her. It was full of random dates that I could do in the future in case I ran out of ideas.

"Awwww Y/N/N, these are so cute!" Ally squealed as she scrolled over to the next one.

"Okay ally that's enough," I said grabbing my laptop and putting it on my desk. My face by now was a tomato.

"Don't be embarrassed Y/N, I think that's really cute." My girlfriend said walking over to me, wrapping her arms around my necks.

"They are kind of future date ideas with the entertainment for harmonizers," I mumbled. Ally smiled and leaned forward connecting our lips.

"Promise you won't tell anybody?" I asked when she pulled away.

"I promise baby." She replied, pecking my lips and dragging me to the bed to watch a movie.

~ Your POV ~

My girlfriend and I were currently playing truth or dare in my living room because we were beyond bored. So far Camila has had to drink a smoothie I made of random foods, scream from the window "it's my money and I need it now," and has told me about her exes. I on the other hand have only had to tell about one of my exes and tell my brother that he's a cotton headed ninny muggin, so now it was her turn to ask me.

"Okay Y/N, truth or dare?"

"Umm truth." Camila had her signature smirk on her face which was never good.

"Have you ever, before we were dating or since we've been dating, written any fanfiction about me?" I choked on my own spit and looked at my girlfriend. It was true I did write fanfiction about my girlfriend but I would never tell her about it!

"Well? Have you? Do you?" She asked crawling over to me. I gulped, should I tell her? By now she was right in front me, staring, and waiting for an answer.

"Okay fine, yes. I did before we were dating and I still kind of do now.." I said hiding my face. I felt her hand under my chin, lifting it to get me to look at her.

"Y/N look at me." She said, I could feel her hot breathe on my face as I looked up to her. "I found it on your laptop one day and read it. You're a really good writer, especially when it comes to our love life." She winked at me, causing me to blush.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

"About 2 weeks, I've read it every time you've updated, and I've noticed that you write about what we do." I gulped as she got closer and closer to me.


"And, im curious to know what you're going to write about today." Don't let her innocence fool you, Camila Cabello was a freaking tease. Before I could say anything else she crashed our lips together in a fiery kiss. I couldn't help but moan in the kiss. She pulled away when air was necessary but she pulled my bottom lip with her and biting it. I whimpered at her touch.

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