How She Wakes You Up

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~ Your POV ~

"Y/N, baby, wake up. I made you breakfast!" I couldn't help but smile and the sweet tone of my girlfriends voice as she slowly shook me to wake me up.

"Ally you didn't have to!" I said opening my eyes and smiling at my wonderful girlfriend.

"I know but I want you to feel special because you're special to me." My heart melted as ally smiled at me.

"Awww baby I love you so much!" I said hopping up and giving her a hug.

"I love you too Y/N." I pulled away and pecked her lips before dragging her to the kitchen to eat the delicious breakfast she had made.

~ Your POV ~

"I love the way you make me feel, I love it." I heard the singing and humming come from the girl beside me. We were currently laying in bed. She was already awake and once I woke I didn't open my eyes just so i could hear her sing. Her voice always gave me goosebumps.

"You give me that kind of something, want it all the time need it everyday." She sang as she started tracing the features of my face. Her soft touch making me shiver. I opened my eyes and was met with the brown orbs I looked at every day with love.

"Good morning." She said smiling up at me, her chin resting on my stomach. I smiled.

"Good morning beautiful." She giggled before leaning in and kissing me so soft yet so full of love.

"God you're amazing. I love you." I said smiling at my girlfriend.

"I love you too baby." She said smiling and laying back down as she continued singing to me as I played with her hair.

~ Your POV ~

"YOOO Y/N WAKE UP IM HELLA BORED!!" I groaned at the loud noise coming from my girlfriend. I was usually the first one up but some days when she beat me, she wasn't a very delightful person to have wake you up.

"10 more minutes!" I screamed as I covered my head with my pillow.

"No! Get your ass up! We got things to do today!" Her voice faded as she walked out of the room. I sighed in content as I tried to fall back asleep.

"Oh I know you're not asleep again." I heard come from the door before I felt a whole body on top of me. I groaned in frustration.

"Dinah Jane, what the hell do you think you are doing?! Get off of me!!" I said struggling to get out from under her.

"Do you promise to get up?" She asked looking up at me. I groaned and nodded. "Okay good." With that she hopped off of me and watched as I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to get ready. Not failing to slap my butt in the process.

"Oh how I hate you Dinah Jane." I hollered at her.

"Love you too munchkin!!" She screamed back.

~ Your POV ~

"Lauren." I warned my girlfriend as I felt her hands under my shirt.

"Y/N." She mocked in the same tone I used.

"Let me sleep." I groaned rolling over.

"Why sleep when we can do something else?" Her husky voice sent shivers down my body.

"Because I'm tired and I don't know how you're not. It's 5 in the morning." I said looking at my girlfriend who was now straddling me.

"The early bird catches the worm." She said smirking. I rolled my eyes before closing them again. When I thought she was done I felt her breath on my lips before she crashed her lips into mine causing me to moan. When she pulled away my eyes fluttered open and met her green eyes as she smirked at me.

"Okay I don't mind waking up like that." I said smirking back up at her making her laugh before kissing me again but this time softer than the first.

"Let's go make breakfast, I'm hungry!" My girlfriend said hopping off of me and running to the kitchen. I smiled before following.

"I'm in love with such a dork." I said to myself.

"Heard that! But I love you too babe!" She hollered back up at me causing me to smile.

~ Your POV ~

"Babyyy wakey wakeyy!" I couldn't help but smile when I heard my girlfriends voice from beside me. I felt her shift so she was facing me but my eyes remained closed. "I know you're awake, baby," she said drawing circles on my exposed waist.

"Shhhhhh," I said smiling as I pretended to still be asleep. I heard her giggle before I felt the pair of lips I loved oh so much pepper kisses around my face. I couldn't help but scrunch my nose and smile and my adorable girlfriend.

"Y/N open your eyes and look at me." She said as she stopped kissing my face. I smiled before pointing to my cheek, wanting a kiss before I gave in. I heard her giggle before she placed a long kiss on my cheek. I opened my eyes when she pulled away making her laugh again.

"You're such a dork." She said looking at me with love.

"Yea but I'm your dork!" I smiled back making her giggle and nod.

"You definitely are. The dork that I love oh so much!"

"I love you too mani bear!" I said giving her a soft yet passionate good morning kiss.


So this was kind of just a short, cute little imagine before we begin the week ahead. I hope everyone has a great week! Thanks for reading!!

(Suggestions appreciated! Please don't hesitate to comment something you want me to write because i will be more than happy to write almost anything you want me to!)

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