Your Little Secret (part two)

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Trigger warning! Mention of bullying, abuse, etc. Do not read if uncomfortable with these situations.

Ally (bullying)
~ Your POV ~

"Um Luke, can you go to the living room and watch tv? I need to talk to Ally." I said never taking her eyes off of her. Luke nodded and took off running, but not before telling Ally good bye and smiling.

"Hi Ally," I nervously said sitting beside her at the counter of my kitchen. My girlfriend had just found out about my 4 year old son Luke.

"Hey Y/N," the lack of eye contact was very scary for me. I mean I had a reason for not coming right out as soon as we met and say that I had a son. "Why did you keep this from me?" She looked at me finally but I kind of wished she didn't. There were tears forming in her eyes and it was killing me.

"I have a reason, okay? Don't hate me yet because I can't lose you."

"What's your reason?" I sighed. No one around me really knew of this, but Ally was trustworthy. I didn't think she would judge me.

"Luke is four years old, so a little over four years ago I became pregnant my senior year of high school. I came from a small town of stuck up snobs, so when the rumor went around about me being pregnant my life became a living hell," I had Ally's undivided attention by now. I was trying so hard to fight the tears as the memories flooded my head. "It started out as just staring. News traveled quickly. After a week of staring people started walking up to me and calling me names like hoe, slut, and whore. By then I was terrified. Terrified of what was gonna happen next." Bringing back parts of my past was so hard. I had finally gotten over it, so could you blame me for breaking down? By now I was in the floor in tears. Ally was by my side rubbing my back and comforting me.

"It all went down hill from there. Some people would jump me when I walked home from school, throwing those words at me before running away laughing. They all said I deserved it. That I deserved getting beat up. Even some parents got into this. They told my parents that I should be sent away or something like that. But my parents stood by me. They knew I made a mistake but never left my side. After i graduated I left that small town and came here. Away from my past. Luke's dad was there too. Not as much as I wish but I didn't get as much harassment when he was around. We eventually broke up because he couldn't handle it while going to college which I understood. He is still in Luke's life though. Luke goes over to see him every once in a while." I finished wiping the tears as I smiled at the memory of Luke not having to grow up without his dad.

"Oh Y/N, I had no idea. I'm so sorry." She kissed my forehead and I looked a at her. "But why didn't you just tell me? I would be there for you no matter what. Luke too." I smiled at my girlfriend.

"I know Ally, but I was just scared. I didn't want to chance having to go through stuff like that again." I closed my eyes fighting the water works again.

"Oh baby, I'm here for yall. I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily." I laughed slightly and looked into my loving girlfriends eyes.

"I love you. And thank you for everything." I gave my girlfriend a slow kiss full of nothing but love.

"I love you too babe. I'm here for both of you now."

"I'm glad to hear you say that, would you like to properly meet him?" I asked biting my lip nervously. A wide smile spread across her face.

"Of course!"

"Hey Luke can you come here for a second?" I screamed out into the house for my son.

"Yes mommy?" He asked appearing in the kitchen doorway.

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