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Rainbow's pov *

So mommy said that tomorrow is my first day in the nursery, but I don't want to go I wanna stay here with mommy, daddy and baby sister's 🥺🥺.

"Mommy I don't wanna go there" I said as she kiss me good night.

"I know you wanna stay at home but at the nursery you'll meet new kids as you're age and make friends with them "

"But you'll be alone mommy" I said sadly.

"Aww don't be sad baby I know you are gonna have a great time then I'll pick u up okay"

"Okay........but can I sleep with u and daddy please" I said.

"Okay you can sleep with me and daddy"

"Thank u mommy" I said, she pick me up an put me beside daddy.

"Good night mommy good night daddy" I said closing my sleepy eyes.


"Blazie wake up buddy first day on the nursery "

"Good morning baby "

"H...hi mommy hi daddy" I said tiredly.

"Come on let's get you ready for you're first day"

"But're not going to leave me........right?" I asked with a few tears.

"I will never leave you Rainbow Blaze I will pick you up in the afternoon I promise"

"Okay" I said.

Mommy made me some breakfast and daddy help me with my clothes, mommy made me a lunchbox and daddy gave me my stuff Mickey that my grandma gave me and my blanket.

"Okay blazie let's go"

(A few moments later) *

"We're here Rainbow Blaze "

I was so nervous about this....I wanna go home......

Mommy took me of my car seat and lead me towards the door of the nursery.

"Hello Mrs Skies this must be Rainbow Blaze "

"Say hi Blaze "

I just hide behind mommy's legs.....

"He's only nervous "

"That's so understandable now Rainbow Blaze why don't you say goodbye to mommy your class will start soon"

Mommy gave me a kissed and walk away but my tears came out and I started to cry.

"MOMMY!!! Don't leave me!!!Wa!!!" I cried.

"Blazie is okay remember I'll pick you up at 12:00"

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise now go to you're class and be a good boy"

I saw mommy leave i was sad i didn't wanted to come here.

"Good morning kids this is Rainbow Blaze he's gonna join the class today"

"Hello!" Everyone said.

( at Lunch time)*

I was sitting alone i wanted to see mommy, i wanna feel her kisses and cuddles.


"Hello you're the new kid right?"

"Y..yeah" i said a little scared.

"Well my name is Fire strike and this are my brother's Timber and Gold "


"What was you're name again sorry i forgot"

"My name is Rainbow Blaze " i said.

"I like you're name is so 20% cool!"


"Anyways we were wondering if you would like to play with us soccer"


After a while i score every time.

"Woah Blaze you really are good at soccer "

"Yeah! You were sooo cool!


"Thanks "I said smiling.

"Alright kids you're parents are here!"

I went inside to get my backpack and my lunchbox.

"Okay kids make a line so i can take you to you're parents"

I saw mommy waiting for me outside.

"Mommy!" I yelled giving her a tightly hug.

"Did you have fun today?"

"Yeah! And i made new friends" I said.

"I'm glad tell me all about it at home"

"Okay" i said.

We got home and the chef was making us pasta yummi.

"And then i score everytime!" I said.

"That's amaizing Blaze good job baby"

"Oh where baby sister's? "I asked.

"There upstairs buddy "

"Okay" I said smiling.

Rainbow's short short pov*

"He got that from me"

"Ha! U wish he got that from me" i said.

"Prove it im challenging you"

"Challenge accepted honey"I said with a smirk.

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