Having Contractions

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Soarin's pov * (1:20am)

"Breath baby " I said.

"My back hurts....."

She whisper trying to not wake up Blazie. She woke me up saying she was having pain it was not so strong but it was pain.

"Wanna walk a little?"I asked.

She nodded and I help her get up. We got downstairs and started to walk a little.

"Feeling better honey?"I asked.

"I think maybe it was a false ALARM!!"

"Woah okay let's sit down "I said.

She sit down while I massage her back.


"Shhh it's okay honey want me to call you're parents?" I asked worried.

"Y..yeah call them "


I was gonna call them but then I heard Blazie call me.

"D..daddy...what's wrong?"

He asked me tiredly I pick him up and call dash parent's.

"Wanna go with mommy a moment?" I said giving him a kiss on his cheek.


He went to the couch and saw dash taking deep breaths trying to forget the pain.

"Mommy what's wrong? "

"Baby why are you awake? "

"I thought you were hurt cause you yelled"

"I'm sorry my baby wanna sit here with mommy?"


He cuddle with dash while I called my parents to let them know.

"Soarin why are you calling at this time?" My father asked really tired.

"Hey dad it's just that dash's having contractions and.." I was cut off by him yelling.

"Honey! Wake up it's time!"

"What! Let's go then"

"Will be right there!"

"Okay then see you"I said.

"Soarin! "

"It's okay honey breath" I said giving her my hand.

"Ahh ahhh.....ohh babe get bags ready?"

"Yeah we are all set" I said.

We got ready for the hospital this time we don't want to have the Twins in the car hehe like Rainbow Blaze.

"Mommy you went pee-pee"

Dash and I knew what that means. Yep her water broke.

A nock on the door....

"Dashie sweetie " Dash mom said.

"Mom wanna come with me? "

"Of course sweetie I'll go with you"

"I'll get the bags on the car" I said.

While I got everything in the car my parent's arrived.

"Let me help you son"

"Thanks Dad "I said giving him a smile.

"Nervous Soarin hehe"

"Yeah a little even though I went trough this with Rainbow Blaze "I said.

"I remember when you're mom told me she was gonna give birth to you"

"Ah y..yeah dad no need for details" I said blushing.

"SOARIN! Time to go!"

Dash's mom yelled holding dash beside her. Dash was taking deep breaths.

"Alright let's go"

"Say bye to mommy and daddy Blazie"

"Bye mommy and daddy"

"Bye my baby boy mommy will come back soon okay"


"Bye Teddy bear be good with grandma and grandpa alright"


We got dash on the car and went straight to the hospital.

"Ahh oh this one hurts "

"It's normal sweetie don't worry"

"For now is normal until I'm dilated "

"Ahhh......how much longer....ahhh this pain is getting worse "

"Hold on honey where almost there" I said.

2 minutes later we arrived at the hospital and got dash a room.

"I brought you're ice babe" I said giving her the cup of ice.

"Thanks Soarin "

"You're gonna do fine sweetie I know it"

"Thanks mom"

After 5 minutes later dash was completely dilated.

"Alright Mrs Skies ready to push"

"Let's do this "

"Alright on the count of three....one..........two........three........push!!"

" Aaaaaa!!!!"

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