Everyday counts

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{ Writer's message: I think you guys will get a lot of 'Writer's Point of View' because this story is not different than the actual thing going on so I will have to make you guys understand my perspective a bit}

(Writer's Point of View)

We all have seen Uraraka becoming a blushing mess around her love-dove-shove ,Deku ,now who doesn't want a sweet relationship with mutual feelings from both sides but unfortunately this love is one-sided. Of course we have seen Deku blush around Uraraka but he does the same with other girls too, will he ever fall in love too?

It was a normal day in UA ,after the Overhaul-drama it was hard to settle down but the School Festival made it easier for the students. Students were all back to their daily routines and were having their Math class, who is interested in Math? Well....hardly Momo, Iida and Midoriya are taking part.
"What do you think the answer of this is" asks Ectoplasm as he completes his question
The question was: x/5 - y/6 = 1 {eh just a basic Math question from Linear Equations ,couldn't think of anything higher}
"AH-UH- A= 6 AND- B= -5 AND C= -20" Midoriya answers in panic
"No" replies Ectoplasm
Midoriya goes through the equation as Iida says " a= 6, b= -5 and c= -30 -"
"30! C= -30" Midoriya corrects himself
"Yes, right Midoriya you don't have to rush, its alright to take your time, first learn to do it in the right way and then try speed" suggests Ectoplasm
"Yes Sir! Sorry Sir!" replies Midoriya and sits down on his chair again

Uraraka's reason to avoid the feelings she has been having was quite different, the reason why she avoided her emotions was because she did not want to interfere with Deku's aim she didn't want him to get distracted as she said "No place for anything else" ,but somewhere deep down Uraraka felt she wasn't enough. She saw Deku fight and save people like a real hero and saw herself being the one being saved most of the times compared to Deku she was becoming exactly opposite of what she wanted to be. She felt if she had to be something to Deku she had to be as strong as him as amazing as him and so every time Deku did something it inspired her like a life-lesson but at the same time made her feel more incapable but her love was real so instead of taking the form of anger or depression Uraraka's love became her motivation in times of need , her love and devotion for Deku pushed her to do harder.

All the classes were finished and they all started heading back to dorms, something was different- someone was very quiet on the way ,looked in deep thoughts and surprisingly it wasn't Deku it was Uraraka.

After she thought of the way Deku was progressing she couldn't get peace of mind so since she left the class she was thinking of ways to improve her schedule. Deku was talking to Iida and then suddenly realized Uraraka's presence , he called her
"Uraraka Hi!" and felt what others used to feel....ignored but he realized she was just in deep thought so he calmed down and called her a little louder
"UrArAkA! HI!"
Ochako snapped out of her thoughts and looked around to see Deku behind her
"Hey Deku- sorry I don't know why I was so lost"
Izuku walks faster and catches up to her "Yeah looked like you were thinking, is something bothering you?" he asks
"Ah- no I was just wondering how I could increase my efficiency, I don't think I have been working hard enough" she tells him accurately 'cause she knew nothing else interested him more than that.
"Ha if you think so you have already taken a step closer to betterment , you can always ask me for anything, I can help you with ideas about your quirk's improvement though its really different for me, your quirk, I have often strategized for power-type quirks but I try every time to think of different ways to use your quirk too!

Ochako felt so good when she heard he thought so much about her but snapped herself out by reminding herself " yOuR qUiRk not you!"

"Thank you so much, Deku! You are always there huh?" she thanks him with a warm smile.

A smile which gave Midoriya peace for a while and one which made him forget everything , the pain and stress he is going through it just disappears for a while.

"Why not Uraraka! I also thought the same as you and that's how I am now at this level I wouldn't say I am a lot satisfied by myself but yes I know that I am giving it the best I can but there's still a long road ahead of us isn't it?" says Midoriya smiling back

Ochako realizes the depth of what he says and then suddenly realizes that she is talking to him, HIM HER LOVE one who is always ready to give you a life-lesson.
She smiles wider and says "Yes and I know we all will be able to travel it as long as we are together!"

{Even when she is suppressing her feelings her happiness is not suppressed, being around Midoriya still made her happy}

Midoriya agrees and says " Yes! and as long as we work hard together everyday! because nothing is waste, each day of hard work is important "
Ochako nods and says
"Everyday counts!"

{Writer's message: Hiiilo guys...ahem well....so I said it's exactly like what they are in the series and so it is, right now season 5 is going on and I freaking crying at the 10th episode, someone help me}
[Word count: 900 something (not counting this)]
[Date: 31/05/2021]

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