Come back to each other

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After the weekend, Midoriya was back to his real life, after school he got some rest and went to All Might for the extra training. He was good as new and did his special quirk training perfectly. After they were done Midoriya looks at All Might and says
"All Might?..." 
"Yes young Midoriya" replies All Might,
"I- when I was in the said 'We get imbalanced when it comes to people we love' "
"Yes?, and what about it" says All Might and laughs.
"Why did you?....and about Uraraka, my feelings are that obvious?" Midoriya asks hesitantly 
All Might didn't say anything he was just thinking what to say that Midoriya continues
"I myself didn't know about my feelings...until two days ago, how did you figure it out?"
"Wait- you realized your feelings for her two days ago?, you see young Midoriya ,you have so much dedication towards becoming a hero you can't see anything else, you can't see your wants, all you are able to see are your responsibilities. Now I won't say it's bad it is very responsible of you but I think you deserve to be happy so don't try to ignore your feelings" All Might tells Midoriya
"But the....what am I supposed to do with them?, I don't have any idea" Midoriya asks All Might as he gets up on ground,
" know? a friend is a perfect person to talk to about this, maybe talk to your friend?" All Might suggests,
"I would either talk to Iida or Todoroki.....Iida....I don't think he is someone good with this and Todoroki...his emotional state isn't good itself...." says Midoriya
"Are those the only friends you have?" asks All Might
"No...well there is Kacchan but he might get too loud about it" Midoriya gives a sigh
"So that's it? those are your close friends?" asks All Might gain
"Yeah...but there's Uraraka too.....WAIT YOU MEAN I SHOULD TALK TO HER?" Midoriya startles and looks All Might with the most puzzled look ever,
"Yes, exactly, I have seen that girl helping you in everyway you needed help, she will help you in this too, go talk to her" says All Might with a smile and leaves.
"Wait- you can't go like that-" Midoriya calls him but then stops, he thinks for a while and in every way it was the only conclusion, he had to tell Uraraka, he had to talk to her.
He tightened his fist and went straight to the dorms telling himself every second

"You can't be a hero if you can't do this simple thing"

As he reaches the dorm and he looks for Uraraka, fortunately she was in her room and she was alone, he wouldn't have to give anyone any explanation.

"Uraraka, you wanna have a walk? I wanted to talk to you a little"

He had done it, there was no going back , he was trembling inside but hid it well.

"Of course! Let's go!" Uraraka agrees.

They were out in the garden of the campus where they were walking in the morning last Saturday.
"Deku? so what did you wanna talk about? did you get any ideas on the utilization of my quirk?" Uraraka asks as they walk along shrubs of the garden,
"Uh- no it is not about that" says Izuku and laughs nervously.
"AHH I hope you don't want to say sorry or something I have like- told you thousand time wha-" Uraraka says as she gets interrupted by Deku,
"No... it's not about that see, you are my great friend and I feel like if I have to talk to someone about feelings ,you will be the best person" 
"Of course Deku! I am- well that's the only way I can help you................I am not as capable as other's who can help you when you are in danger all I can do is talk to you and tell you 'It will be alright', 'you can do it' " Uraraka says in a defeated tone. After hearing that Midoriya was shook again, the girl who gave him strength to fight looked so down on herself, it broke his heart to see how hurt and underestimated she was. A sudden confidence rose in Midoriya and he says
"Uraraka! We talked about this didn't we? YOU ARE THE REASON WHY I AM ABLE TO FIGHT, you are the one who makes it worth making it alive, or winning, I feel like I won when I see your smile, your that smile which is full of life gives me a reason to fact that's what I wanted to talk about."
It was complete silence, Ochako didn't have anything to say, she felt very happy after she heard what Midoriya said but she was busy explaining herself that he was not saying it in the way she thought. Midoriya breaks the silence and says
"I- I wanted to talk about my feeling and- I- I didn't know I felt this until two days ago....Uraraka I have never experienced this , I don't understand what this is and because you are my best friend I want to tell you.....that I realized I like a girl...."
It was like Uraraka's heart stopped beating without even listening to the complete thing he wanted to say but she stood there holding herself and listened
"....and it's you Uraraka." Midoriya goes silent, it was pin-drop silence in the garden which made Midoriya second-guess his decision. He started startling and said
"I- please Uraraka I don't want this friendship I have with you to end, I don't want this......." Midoriya shuts up and just looks down "I finished it after all-" he says as Uraraka holds his shoulder and says
"Deku! I- how? Why? You like me?" , he doesn't respond, Uraraka thinks for a while then says
"You know Deku...the fight, we had with Thirteen, me and Aoyama? I was shook by something and I lost my grip?, Asui asked me what he said to me but I didn't answer because I was too flustered to face it it. Aoyama asked what I was thinking about and then at that moment" she giggles "he made me realize I liked you". Midoriya suddenly held his head up, Uraraka continued and this time she was the one looking at the ground,
"I also wanted to talk to you about this once...........but I didn't want to interfere"
"I also thought about it" says Deku "I didn't know about this but then I saw the movie and.....I saw how it worked, when you like someone you give them time, you take them places and enjoy with them. I can't do that Uraraka, I have a heavy responsibility to become a great hero and protect the world, I can't give you what you deserve.......I am not the one you deserve you deserve a lot better than me", It hurt Deku to say that he could not have Uraraka because she didn't deserve him, he wanted her but they couldn't be, he won't keep her happy.
"Well, I don't need that......" she smiles at him and continues "The only reason I couldn't tell you how I felt was because I know Deku , I know what you are going through, you have a lot to do in your future plus I was scared that you wouldn't like me, ehehe" she says, Deku looks at her and says
"But I do, I do like you and I am so happy to know that I do" Deku looks at Uraraka and shares the widest smile,
"I couldn't be more happy Deku!" says Uraraka "Deku! We will grow stronger, we will become heroes and we will achieve our goals! I will always be there for you, when you will return I will welcome you with the smile you asked for and then we can have all the time we need together!"
There was nothing but Uraraka that time, no one, not a single heart understands what Midoriya feels, what he is going through because he can't tell anyone but the girl standing in front of him, she accepted him and understood him without any words. Deku didn't even have to think about this he says
"Yes! Yes! and I will be there for you too! I will come back to you, no matter what!" says Midoriya almost having tears in his eyes, Uraraka nods and says
"So it's done!" 
Both of them were in the best spirit and were so happy that they could cry at any moment now, from now on they had a better reason to live and a better reason to work harder, they had to

 come back to each other.

{WeIrDo's message: I feel like I disappointed my readers with such an ending, but if this ship was to happen it would not be normal ,it would be just like this. Ahhh Sorry guys and THANK YOU so much for reading my story with patience. And I might write Oneshots now, *only if I get ideas* it will be part of this story}
[Word count: 1400 something(not counting this)]
[Date: 5/6/2021]

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