How could I not

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When everyone reached the dormitories they fell down on the couches 'cause they were super tired, the level of the hero training had also risen with studies. Momo asked everyone if they wanted teas and well everyone agreed.

"I will help you too Yao-Momo and I think I will take a siesta after that" says Uraraka as she gets up feebly and yawns.

"Man why are we so tired today its the same Thursday we used to have-" complains Denki as he slides to the floor from couch.
"A! get up Pikachu don't sleep on floor!" Jiro scolds him
Denki gets up, looks at her lazily and then falls down again giving a sigh.
"Let him be Jiro he is way too tired to move I don't think I have enough energy to move either" says Kirishima as he takes support of Bakugo's shoulder
"Get off, Crappy Hair!" Bakugo scolds him
He gets up tiredly and says feebly "Sorry- I didn't know it was yo-*yawn*u",
"Ughh KEEP SHUT NOW" Bakugo scolds again,
"Dude how do you have so much energy to shout?" says Sero.
"I am a lot more efficient than you extras DOES IT TAKE 12 MINUTES TO JUST MAKE A TEA?DAMN YOU GUYS ARE SUPER SLOW" Bakugo complains.
"Bakugo save up your energy or you might collapse, here take your tea, thanks...for the ...patience" says Uraraka and gives him the tea.
"Tch" replies Bakugo and starts sipping the drink.
Momo and Uraraka distribute the teas to everyone and then Momo takes one cup too. Uraraka starts walking to her room.
"Uraraka you won't take one?" asks Sato
"No....Sato I am so tired that all I can think about is sleep my eyes are super heavy I should go and sleep before I collapse" Uraraka giggles and goes to her room.

Katsuki finishes first and leaves for his room whereas others appreciate Momo for making them tea. Everyone soon leave and go to their rooms for some rest.

Izuku dives in his bed, well he wasn't as tired as others cause he used to have extra training anyways but yes it was more tiring than usual today. Izuku didn't sleep but laid on his bed till  his energy got restored. He went to do his homework so he has some time left later, he realized he didn't return Uraraka's pen which he took this morning so he went to Uraraka's room to give it back.

When Izuku reached Uraraka's door he saw the door was slightly open he went in calling 
"Uraraka?....-" but he went silent when he saw she was still sleeping then he remembered how feeble she was when he saw her last. He just quietly went to her table and was keeping the pen that Mina said 
"Midoriya?!?! What ar-" , as Mina was saying Midoriya told her to keep quiet by putting finger on his lips.
Mina walks in the room and whispers "What are you doing here, in Uraraka's room....when she is sleeping?" 
"I just had to give her pen back ,I forgot she was sleeping, let's go now or we might wake her up" replies Izuku whispering.
"Oh ok but before that" Mina snaps a picture of Uraraka and then giggles out of the room and says "What? She looks cute, hehehe" and she leaves.
Midoriya didn't know what she did ,why she did and went back.

In the evening when everyone restored themselves again and were having a little time in the common area, they all got a notification on their phones and suddenly Ochako stormed out from her room to the common space and she shouted
"MINA?!?!?!?" seemed like she was embarrassed more than angry and pretty much everyone knew why.

"Ohoooooooooooo here it comes" Mina looks at Uraraka coming at her,
"Mina why would you- how- how did you even get this picture? Did you sneak in my room today?!?!?" she says stuttering in embarrassment
"Calm down girl, YoU lOoK sO cUtE ! eeeeeeeep" she replies calming her down.
"Bu- But- why in the group- You could have sent it in the girls' group ThE bOyS wIlL sEe It ToO!"  Ochako complained,
" about boys they will just think you are adorable and if we talk about Midoriya...he has seen you like that in real life" says Mina winking at her
"What? Don't tell me you brought him to my room just to show me sleep?!?!" Uraraka exclaimed but keeping her voice low
"No! I didn't neeeeeeeeed tooooooooo he was already there when I was passing by your room" Mina answers
"Wait- why was he in my room?" Ochako calms down but starts freaking out again
"CALM DOWN HE JUST WENT TO RETURN YOUR PEN" Mina tells Uraraka and gives her a shoulder rub then walks off laughing.
As Uraraka calmed down she heard
"You look like a bunny Uraraka" says Shoto showing her picture to her and she just stands there ALL drowning in embarrassment
"Yeah you look so cute!" says Sero and laughs,
"Don't worry its not as embarrassing as you think it is" says Jiro to calm her down.
Everyone actually complimented her and she was finally over it.

The next day, it was Hero Course going on, everyone was working on their special moves. Kirishima was trying his hardening on rock-mountain and he actually succeeded to literally tear off the top of the mountain ,where he felt incredibly strong the mountain fell off it's body and down there was Uraraka practicing her move, Everyone gasped or shouted which made Uraraka realize something was wrong, she saw a shadow of something coming down on her, she couldn't react ,she was ready to use her quirk but she knew it would take her double of what she can do to make it weightless. It was as loud as when lighting strikes when the mountain fell, everyone panicked and were about to run to see what happened to Uraraka that their attention was drawn to a green light across the room ,they saw Midoriya had Uraraka in his arms and his quirk giving a strong cyan light but then suddenly he collapsed. Uraraka got up immediately  and called "DEKU!" , no answer, Deku was unconscious.

When Midoriya gained consciousness he was pretty sure where he was - Recovery Girl's office, his second home. As he opened his eyes he heard
"Deku! You're back!" , he turns his head to see Uraraka standing with the widest smile.
"Uraraka-" he says and he remembers what happened then asks her impatiently if she was okay'
"Shut up, you never fail to save anyone, look at me I AM FINE but please calm down and rest Recovery girl said she fixed your bones but not your muscles completely, that you have to do on your own, so rest" Uraraka says which calms Midoriya down. Midoriya gives a sigh of relief and closes his eyes again.

Uraraka thinks to herself
"All you care about is your responsibilities you are so selfless, always keeping others before you, I think that's why I fell for you, I mean" she smiles 
"How could I not?"

{Writer's message: Hmm "writer" is too formal lemme tell you my name call me WeIrDo, hehe.
Well is this boring? Ahhh I hope not but please try reading ahead I will try my best to make it turn out interesting}
[ Word Count: near 1170(not counting this)]
[Date: 1/6/2021]

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