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That day Midoriya didn't have to train so he had plenty of time he didn't know what to do so he asked Uraraka if he could stay with her, she agreed, obviously. Both of them had a very sweet time ,Deku played games and cards after a long time and actually enjoyed it plus he was with Uraraka and Shoto who joined them later.

The whole class made a plan to watch movie that night as the other day was a weekend, this time Midoriya could also join them and so he did. There was an argument for half an hour about which movie to watch and at the end they decided an American Science-Fiction, everyone loves Sci-Fi!
So everything was set and everyone was ready they sat on the couches, some sat on the floor and then there was Bakugo who sat at a distance from the couch accompanied by Denki and Kirishima. Shoto sat beside Iida and on Shoto's left was Midoriya with Uraraka beside him, they all sat on floor.

Everything was ready and everyone started the movie, it was really fun watching it everyone was interested and had already found a character to relate with, Midoriya did too! He found a character named Danny who was working hard to achieve his goal, well in Danny's life there was a girl, his best friend Amy but he secretly had a crush on her, Midoriya thought how alike their friendship was to his and Uraraka's but then he hesitated a little about the crush thing. Suddenly Midoriya felt something on his shoulder and he saw that Uraraka had fallen asleep, he got super nervous and turned as red as a tomato ,he thought to himself
"ThErE's A gIrL sLeEpInG oN mY sHoUlDeR" 
and suddenly he notices how comfortably she was sleeping so he stopped freaking out and calmed down, he remembered when he went to her room she was sleeping exactly like that, he smiles and looks at her for a while then suddenly breaks out of it and continues watching the movie, he sees Danny watching Amy from behind a bush and then Midoriya also looks down on his shoulder and looks at Uraraka. His heart skips a beat as he thinks.........
"I love her face so mu-" 
That was the moment when Midoriya realized
"No....that's not possible....I like- Uraraka? No! She is a great friend....but of course Asui is too.....but this feels so different AM I ALSO LIKE DANNY? DO I HAVE A CRUSH ON MY BEST FRIEND?"
Midoriya gulps and he could feel his heartbeat getting fast, it was all because he was scared he didn't know what he felt, he had never felt it before he was nervous and then suddenly everything started making sense, All Might's words rang in his head
"Sometimes we get imbalanced when it comes to people we love-----people we love"
"Is that why I used One For All at that level? Because it was- for Uraraka? that I think of it.....I don't want anything to happen to her I mean of course I don't want anything to happen to any of my friends but.....I can't afford losing Uraraka I- I will- I won't be able to live if anything happens to her because I want to see her smile every time I come back from a fight...because I want her, I need her, I lo-" 
Midoriya's eyes widen as he realized his true feelings now instead of getting freaked out he calmed down and actually felt happy....he felt like he found the answer of the toughest question in the exam ,he was....kind of relieved to find out his feelings for Uraraka. He closed his eyes and started thinking about how blind he was and without even realizing he slowly feel asleep resting his head on Uraraka's. 

It was in the morning when Midoriya woke up and he saw he was on the couch, he got up and saw Uraraka on the other couch sleeping peacefully and then he remembers about last night , he gets all embarrassed then suddenly he thinks.....
"I think I fell asleep on the floor......and Uraraka was with me did anyone pick us up or what?"
He sees that Uraraka wakes up and gets up on the couch, she wishes him
"Good Morning Deku!"
"Go-Good Morning Uraraka" he replies with a smile.
"You look lost in thoughts again? Were you battling someone in your dream?" asks Uraraka and laughs,
"No ha well...I was just thinking, I remember we were on the floor-" Deku says as Uraraka interrupts
"Oh! I woke up in the middle of night and saw we were on floor so I used my quirk to lift you to the couch and I was very sleepy so I didn't go for the room, hehe" says Uraraka giggling,
"Oh! Ah! I didn't think of that Man I can be so stupid......Anyways...I don't think I am going to sleep, you can sleep for a bit longer you still have time its 5:23" says Midoriya looking at his phone,
"AHHHH I don't think I will sleep either, I will just go and brush my teeth" Ochako replies
"Yeah me too!" says Midoriya
"Hey! By the way do you wanna have a walk outside, we could enjoy the morning" suggests Uraraka
"Great idea I think I will, so I will be at the door in 5 minutes I guess" agrees Midoriya
"Me too, see ya" replies Uraraka and they both leave.

After 5 minutes both met at the door and went out to have a walk around in campus of U.A. 
Both Ochako and Izuku were having the best time of their lives talking and laughing along the people they love, they care for and with the Sunrise it became a prettier moment. Looking at Midoriya and hearing his nerdy-topics was the most interesting thing for Uraraka but in that happy moment she remembered she has to not let her feelings disturb him so she tries, every time, to hide her feelings.

{Well obviously it's really hard to keep our feelings to ourselves and it's very painful too I love Uraraka so much just because of her mental strength}

Midoriya's another day went by.....
He lies in his bed and thinks
"Back to training from tomorrow, I loved these two days but now it's time to get serious and understand One For All, guess I didn't waste these days" he turns towards the window and stares at the sky
"I discovered another part of never knew I would experience this, Uraraka........Ochako......." he blushes as he says her first name and her smile flashes before his eyes, he grabs his phone and scrolls through the pictures then finds the picture Mina had sent in the group before. He looked at the picture and said to himself

{WeIrDo's Message: We all know Izu is not the kind of guy who will understand his feelings so the movie and All Might had to be a source to SHOW HIM, Ahhhhhhhhh I really hope he recognizes his feelings in the Anime/Manga too, what do you think?}
[Word Count: 1140 something (not including this)]
[Date: 3/6/2021]

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