I won't ever get hurt (OneShot-4)

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After the students returned from their winter internships, it wasn't very relaxing but they still had one week for relaxation. Unfortunately, Uraraka wasn't relaxing, she was, but who feels relaxed when they are sick? She couldn't even use her quirk because even floating a pencil made her throw up. After three days of a very tiring illness, Uraraka was finally able to walk properly, she had been very weak and still her condition wasn't very good.

"I'd suggest Midoriya, you take Uraraka with you to get the stuff" Momo says,
"Sure, but will it be fine? Is it okay for her to go out now?" asks Midoriya
"Yes, it is, I think it's better for her to go out and have a nice walk, it might help her get rid of her weakness she is still suffering from" suggests Momo.
"So, will you come Uraraka?" asks Midoriya,
"Yeah , sure!" Uraraka replies.
"There goes are 'Market-Duo'" says Denki and laughs and Jiro looks at him with a straight face,
"What? They always bring us stuff , it's a great name" says Denki but Jiro just rolls her eyes and the others laugh.

Izuku and Ochako get ready with their coats and boots then leave.
"It's been a while since we could be together like this.....I- I- mean like- because of the internship and stuff- we didn't get time" says Midoriya awkwardly and regretting the choice of words, Uraraka laughs and says "You're right".
"Our lives just get busier as the time passes.........maybe someday will come when it would have been a year we saw each other" says Uraraka and laughs even though she was serious about what she said and Midoriya felt how true her words were, it does happen a lot of time when people don't meet for years. The atmosphere became so serious that it was too awkward to talk but Uraraka broke the silence and said
"Won't let that happen! Even after we all graduate, we will stay connected! We won't be like other people, our class will be extraordinary!"
hearing such positive words relieved Izuku and he replied "Yeah!" with a smile.
They pick up stuff from the stores and plan to go to a park for a while because it was a nice day for winter. They were just sitting on a bench and talking about their internships, they hear a kid crying , he was sitting on the next bench. They went to him and asked him what was wrong 
"I- I- I can't find my mother" the kid replies 
"Aw.. it's alright...." Uraraka sits beside him and comforts him
"So do you remember your mom's phone number?" asks Deku
"I do..." replies the kid, still sobbing
"Then that's perfect, we'll just call her!" says Deku with a wide smile. The kid stops crying and looks at the two of them, then Izuku takes out his phone and dials the number, the mother picks up the call and tells him that she is on the other side of the park, Deku tells her that he will bring the kid to her and she thanks him.
"Uraraka, you can stay here, I'll get him to his mother" says Izuku 
"..I wouldn't mind comi-" says Uraraka but Izuku interrupts her and says 
"No, it's not needed, we will be good. So thennnnn I will be back" and Izuku leaves.

Uraraka sits on the bench and just looks around, it was getting hotter as the sun showed up so she took off her coat as she kept it on the bench she noticed that two guys standing at some distance were looking at her, it made her uneasy and a bit angry but she knew she didn't even have enough strength to shout at them and she couldn't even use her quirk so she got nervous, all she waited for was Deku to return though it was obvious it would take him time cause the park was too big and he literally went to the opposite side of the park. They had been looking at her for 5 minutes now and suddenly they started walking towards her , she was getting way too uneasy and looked around to see if Deku was in sight, he wasn't, her heart started beating faster and finally the two of them reached her bench.
"Hey Bunny Girl, waiting for somebody?" says one of them as he sits down on her bench, the other one goes behind and stands giggling , Uraraka ignores them and just looks the other way
"Ah...guess you aren't the extrovert type" the guy stands up from the bench then stands in front of her and bends closer to her.
"Hey, what you're doing?" they hear a voice from their left, nothing else could make Uraraka feel  better than the voice she had just heard, Deku came back but the guys ignored him. (who would take a guy seriously who looked like a mouse in coat) The guy took his hand out of his pocket and approached Uraraka with it, saying "I'd like to get a ta-" and suddenly he was punched so hard that he went rolling to the other bench.
"Don't. you. dare. touch. her." says Deku as he walks near Uraraka, she had never seen him this mad, he hands her his coat and now it was a surprise for the guy to see who he was actually talking to but instead of learning a lesson the guy got mad and his partner from behind tried to hit Deku but missed and was held down on the ground, the guy himself came with the intension of punching Izuku but he couldn't and was punched in the stomach, they stayed there lying for a second or two and then ran away. Izuku went to Uraraka and apologized
"I was so careless, I am so sorry Uraraka, I can't believe how reckless I was- I would- have never- forgiven myself if anything-" , he gets interrupted by Uraraka
"But you came and saved me.........didn't you? You were there when I needed you, stop apologizing and.........thank you so much Deku" she gave him a warm smile which made Izuku the happiest person on earth in that moment, well that's what he thought. And they start walking back to the dorms , sneaking a peek at Deku ,Uraraka thought to herself,
"What was i even thinking......With you around......
                                                                                                     .....I won't ever get hurt"

{WeIrDo's Message: Ooooof, had been a while, here you go with another oneshot, I hope it wasn't boring :')}
[Word Count: 1000 something}
[Date: 10/11/2021}

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