I can never feel down

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The next day Midoriya was visited by All Might once again because when he came yesterday Uraraka was with him, he had to talk to him about One For All so the only ones present in the room were All Might, Midoriya and Recovery Girl.

"Young Midoriya? I want to talk to you about One for all" said All Might as he seated himself on the chair beside Midoriya's bed.
"I know All Might.....I lost focus and I don't know why I used it at that level" Izuku replies getting up on his bed,
"Hmm I understand sometimes we lose focus ,it's alright Midoriya but take care, you have to be more concentrated" All Might tells him,
"I am sorry All Might, I just thought if I won't use my best I won't be able to save Uraraka and I didn't want anything to happen to her" says Midoriya in a low spirit,
"Yes but you didn't need One For all at 100% for it? I mean you were so fast no one even saw you, ha ha but it's all good Young Midoriya sometimes we get imbalanced when it comes to people we love" All Might went from happy face to a warm smile then a teasing glance,
"What?-" Midoriya couldn't understand what it was for.
"Anyways I have to tell you something........I have planned that you are going to have normal life for two days, its more like an order so no argument you push yourself too hard so just for two days no extra training and congratulations recovery girl agreed to use her quirk for your muscles too so you will be fine in half an hour, bye bye and REMEMBER relax ,enjoy no training for two days"  saying so All Might leaves the room in hurry because he knew Midoriya will start questioning.

As All Might walks past Recovery Girl's office he says "Young Midoriya I really wish I could give you more than two days but I can't, you have to work on One For All before its too late"

It was exactly how All Might said Recovery Girl aided Midoriya and he was all well in half an hour, he returned to the dorms. Everyone welcomed him with their 'not-again' eyes, Denki waved at him and said
"Hey Dude, welcome back" after him everyone starts teasing Izuku about his reckless injuries , Midoriya notices that Uraraka was standing behind the wall in the hallway staring at the group and then she leaves, he knew something was wrong with her or she would have welcomed him like she usually does in the her cheerful way.

After everyone settled down and were busy in their work, Izuku went to complete his homework, more like the work he missed, it didn't take him a lot and he was done in 35 minutes, almost.
"I wonder what's up with Uraraka, should I check on on her?" he thought to himself while lying on his bed idly , "But....I might get annoying sometimes.....as Todoroki once told me. But I can't let her suffer, who knows what she is keeping in and how toxic it is for her" he gave it a thought again. Midoriya got up from his bed and went to Ochako's room, he knocked and called her name
"Uraraka? It's me Deku"
The door was opened and Uraraka came out with wide smile of hers ,she welcomed Deku inside and he sat on the bed while she sat on her studying table.
"Is there something you need Deku?" she asked
"No I just came here to ask if you are fine?" Deku replies.
"Ahh I tOlD yOu StOp WoRrYiNg AbOuT mE and take care-" she says getting interrupted by Deku
"No...it's not about that ,I saw you today you didn't meet me when I returned, Is anything bothering you?"
"Wha- no! My God you were worrying about that? No! Not at all ,I am fine!" she giggles and replies him,
"That..is..nice......." Deku replies then he sheds his head and goes silent.
"Deku? What happened to you now?" she asked as she looked at him,
"Nothing....it's just...I think Todoroki was right...I do sometimes annoy people by interfering in their business, I am sorry Uraraka I can't play my role as a best friend properly" he says as he lifts up his face with broken pair of eyes and a smile, his look hit Uraraka like a shotgun she instantly got up with a face which showed plenty of emotions  guilt, fear, hurt and sympathy. She sat beside him and said
"No- Deku no- It's not you........it's me"
"I am the one who can't be a good friend, what kind of friend becomes the reason their best friend is in hospital? For me~ yo~u ha~d t~o r~isk yo~r li~fe" she says as she tries to hold her tears.
Deku was shook by the words that he heard from Uraraka , he knew already even behind that colorful smile there was a darkness of pain but he didn't know it was so dark. He instantly snapped out of it and said 
"URARAKA! No...you got it all wrong this isn't your fault! And look! I am all right....."
"Uraraka" he calls her "It was MY choice to save you, how could I have managed to forgive myself if I let my friend get crushed? Don't blame yourself"
"But Deku...if I am like this- I am not growing at all and you have grown so much! I will just slow you down, so I don't think I will bother you from now........." Uraraka explains while holding her tears back as much as she could ,she shed her head to hide her face.
"What? You have become so much stronger Uraraka!........Fine...but it won't stop me from saving you, you are precious to me just like my all the other friends and I will save you every time I have to no matter what it takes" says Deku as he gets off the bed, Ochako's heart was moved when she heard those words and she realized again...it was Deku who was it about ,he IS like that she smiles and says
"You are amazing Deku" Uraraka's energy changed suddenly which seemed to surprise him but he was relived to see that her smile was back and she continues
"You don't give up do you?" she giggles "Thank you...thank you so much! for being such a great person! I am sorry I worried you but I think you are right I think I was exaggerating! Ugh Here I was thinking of not talking to you- I don't think that's even possible, guess you will have to tolerate me too along with you training" she completes and laughs, Deku lights up himself when he sees his friend was back.
"And Deku promise me you will never question yourself about " If you're being a good friend or not", because you are the best friend one could ever have! So don't ever feel down! okay?" Uraraka asks Deku while making her bunny face,
Deku's eyes widen with happiness and he says
"I won't!" he replies with a wide smile.
He thanks god and thinks to himself 
"With a friend like you" he giggles as he sees Uraraka moving her fists here and there
"I can never feel down"

{WeIrDo's message: Ahhhh am I clear? I hope I am not confusing you guys a lot}
[Word Count: 1190 something]
[Date: 3/6/2021]

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