A little longer (Oneshot-3)

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Ah! the Monsoon has arrived! And the U.A. students are about to attend their Work Studies and this time under the surveillance of The Big Three.

"Just one week and it will be all busy again" Kirishima complains,
"Yep" agrees Kaminari as he drops on the couch.
"But that's how we become responsi-" starts Iida but gets interrupted by Kaminari
"WE KNOW WE KNOW- calm down Iida"
"Yeah man chill out" says Kirishima.
"Has anyone seen Uraraka?" Mina appears in the common hall with her phone in her hand.
"Um..no? What happened?" asks Sero who was also sitting in the hall
"Isn't she in her room?" asks Iida
"NOOO She went to buy some stuff and she said she'd be back in 30 minutes but it's been an hour now!" Mina replies
"-And it has started to rain,I wonder if she is okay" Momo joins as they hear a voice from the hallway
"What's the matter? Who is supposed to be okay?" asks Midoriya.
"Oh Midoriya, Have you seen Ochako coming back? It's been one hour and she has not returned yet" asks Mina expecting for an answer but Midoriya himself didn't know.
"I have called her so many times but she has not picked up even once" says Mina
"And my phone doesn't connect the call" Tsuyu says too.

Midoriya's head was getting some unwelcomed thoughts, he remembered of that incident which took place with him when he was out with the others at the mall.
"What if any villain.....no, she's fine, she will be fine, she can take care of herself. But what if there is more than one villain, she might handle them but she will get hurt" he got lost thinking unwanted negative thoughts.

"Wow, for the first time Midoriya is thinking but not muttering" says Kaminari and laughs and others give a little giggle but they themselves couldn't get their minds off Uraraka.
"I think we should go out and find her" suggests Mina
"We should take some step but what if this is a careless one" alerts Iida,
"Midoriya, what do you think?" asks Kirishima
"Midoriya?......MIDORIYA!" Mina shouts in his ears to bring him out of his mind palace
"Ah..h.AH- YEAH? Wha- what?" he stutters and then pulls himself together
"We think we should go check on her" Mina repeats
"Of course! WHY NOT? Let's go!" Izuku agreed.

"Man! we only have two umbrellas, who knew we would need them?" sighs Kirishima,
"I guess it's fine two of us will be enough and if there's something wrong one of you must inform us!" says Iida.
"I'll go, let me-" says Midoriya and rushes to the door with an umbrella and starts tying his shoes,
"Wa- wait! Ahh he gets so aggressive when it comes to friends BUT THATS SO MANLY! I will go with Midoriya!" says Kirishima and rushes out of the door to catch up with Midoriya.

"MAN! WAIT! MIDORIYA!" says Kirishima and catches up with him somehow
"Oh Kirishima, thank you for accompanying me so I have this plan, you go to the west cause it has small markets and she might have went there ,I'll go to south as the general store is there, its Monsoon who knows which shop is open which is not I hope she didn't go too far whatever- and if you find out ANYTHING text me OR JUST CALL ME" says Midoriya and he hurries to the South.
"Ah- calm...down...man...well lemme do my part" says Kirishima panting and heads towards the west direction.

Deku wandered here and there but there were rarely 2-3 people around, some under a tree ,some under a roof of store to protect themselves from rain.
As the time passed Midoriya's anxiety increased, he was so scared that even the umbrella he was holding felt heavy. After failing in the local region he went ahead, the rain irritated him ,plus it was getting stronger. He searched for shelters that can be taken to hide from rain or looked for stores which were there but not open. Suddenly his eyes fell on a store which was near the Bus Stop, he knew Ochako had to be there. He ran at his best speed (human speed) and found the store empty with just the shopkeeper, he was about to ask the keeper that he heard a voice

"AH! Ou- Leave ME- " the sound was so angry but suddenly it was like it went weak like- begging for freedom or release
Izuku turned in the direction of the Bus Stop and saw two people, one of them had the other's hand twisted and it looked like it was the person who was shouting. It wasn't visible who they were but regardless of that Izuku ran to the Bus Stop and saw Uraraka who had caught a guy with his hands and locked them behind then she pushed him to fall forward, still having a great grip on his hands.
"URARAKA!" Midoriya drops his umbrella and runs towards them.

"D-Deku?" Uraraka looks at him with a strange face which switches to a smile.
"Wha- what happened?" he asks.

Ochako tells him how he tried to steal the stuff she bought and suddenly he broke free. Uraraka couldn't let him go so she followed him just with the hope of touching him once, Deku couldn't let Uraraka go alone so forgetting about umbrella or anything he just follows behind.

Oh could they be more lucky ,a police station was right ahead of them with a police officer standing at it's gate.
"OFFICER HE IS A THIEF" Ochako shouts.

And thanks to Uraraka a thief was caught, the police asked them to wait till the sky clears but Uraraka denies saying
"Aren't we already wet....well we will head back and now I have my friend here too" she looks at Izuku and smiles as brightly as ever.
And they both head out, well Izuku was just so blown with the boldness of Uraraka and the joy of her safety that he couldn't think of denying so they started running back. They suddenly hear a voice from behind

it was the policeman.

They laugh and continue to run towards the Bus Stop. Izuku picks up the umbrella and suddenly it strikes both of them-


Trying their best to not show much they were freaking out they proceed, they start walking back. Izuku couldn't remember about Kirishima and just started asking Uraraka questions
"Ah..um well you see, the shops in our local area were closed so I had to come a little further.....and my phone...well I didn't know the battery was at 3 when I left the dorms...hehe"
"That's....its....thank god its okay...let's just hea-" says Midoriya as he hears Kirishima shouting
"UM SORRY?" Midoriya shouts back as Kirishima came running to them
"Uraraka I'm so glad you're fine, we were so worried about you-" says Kirishima
"I'm sorry..." says Uraraka in embarrassment
"Midoriya almost went out of his mind- Well let me inform others" says Kirishima and laughs while walking away from them.

"You almost went mad?" says Uraraka and laughs but of course it wasn't funny for Midoriya he just replied with a worried look.
Uraraka understood what the situation was
"I'm sorry-" she apologizes
"Nah its okay...I was just...." Midoriya looks down at his wet shoes and continues "I was just scared.....after what happened to me I-,I wouldn't have ever forgiven myself if ANYTHING had happened to you. I was so scared that I'd lo- never mind you're okay now!" suddenly he lights up and looks at her, in her eyes for a second and enjoys having her safe and sound whereas Uraraka felt.....thankful ,thankful of Midoriya as a part of her life, it was like she'd cry any moment.
"To have someone like him? How could I be this fortunate?" she thought to herself and smiled slightly.
They started walking back but it wasn't easy.....as their elbows once collided they remembered who they were walking beside. The walk was not the most comfortable but a beautiful one.

Among those thoughts like

"I hope my hand is not disturbing her"

"Am I taking too much umbrella ,I hope he is not uncomfortable?"

They wished

"I hope this lasts.....
                         a little longer"

{Weirdo's message: ooof it had been a while...well I updated SO PLEASE ENJOY}
[Word Count: 1400 something]
[Date: 27/07/21]

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