We do, don't we? (Oneshot -1)

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It was a normal Sunday in U.A. everyone was having morning breakfast but of course a little late as.....it was Sunday.
"What if we make cake today?" suggests Momo,
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeyayyyyyyyyyy" celebrate Mina, Denki, Toru and Kirishima.
"I can help you out" says Sato,
"Not help- you will have to make it Sato everyone loves your cooking" says Momo waving her hand irregularly.
"Of course, so let's get started?" says Sato walking to the kitchen
"Sure!" says Momo and follows behind.

"Damn we will get cake!" says Denki jumping, 
"Yeah calm down" says Jiro as she scares him with her Ear Jacks.

"Do we have eggs?" asks Sato,
"No-" replies Momo,
"Do we have enough flour?" Sato rummages through stuff,
"Uh-oh.........." says Momo,
"Vanilla Essence?"he asks ,
"doesn't look like it............"says Momo "we don't have a lot of stuff"
"Guess we will have to shift our plan" says Sato and Momo gives an agreement in nod.

"Sorry Guys............" says Momo as she walks into the common Area.
""WHAT- DON'T TELL ME" Denki stands up having the most straight face ever,
"Yes...we can't make ca-" as Momo says Denki cries
"Sorry guys" says Sato.

"Wha- what happened to Denki, I heard he screamed?" asks Midoriya as he came from outside
"We were about to make cake Midoriya but we don't have all the stuff" says Momo,
"Well I can go and buy the stuff you need" suggests Izuku,
"But today is Sunday , all the shops might be closed?" says Sato
"Ah no I know a perfect shop, the place where I found stuff to make Candy Apple for Eri, they are open on Sunday's too" Izuku says
"Well...it's a lotta stuff....will you be able to-" says Momo as Uraraka interrupts her
"I can accompany you Deku!, I will come with you" 
"Of course! it will be easier with someone" says Deku
"Perfect, here I will make the list" says Momo. She does so, she makes a list and hands it to Uraraka and she leaves with Deku.

They both reach the store, the shopkeeper knew Deku so he wished him personally
"Hi Midoriya, brought your girlfriend today?"
Both Ochako and Izuku froze for six seconds then the both blurted out together
"Wha- no she's not my"/ "I am not his-" , waving their hands here and there like crazy.
"Oh..ohk calm down you two, welcome" says the keeper , really weirded out. Izuku and Ochako both divide the list and and collect the stuff needed ,it just took 25 minutes and after that they both were walking back. Izuku was checking a message he got on his phone and he didn't see a cycler was cycling just behind, he was about to get hit that Uraraka panicked and pulled him and she didn't notice she used all her fingers which made him float.
"Uh-ah! I am sorry Deku!" she says as she holds his hands tightly and takes him under a tree as he floats and then she releases, Midoriya falls disbalanced but balances himself by taking Ochako's support which resulted in them getting really close- like real close. Instead of doing anything they just froze, they were just processing what to do that they heard a couple passing by
"Hey, aren't those U.A. students?"
They break away instantly , pick their stuff and start walking straight that the couple comment again
"They look so cute together!"
Both blush like tomatoes, especially after they knew what their feelings were which made it more awkward, they stole a look at each other and quickly looked away, their hearts stopped racing and what they felt now wasn't embarrassment they were flattered and they thought

"We do, don't we?"

{WeIrDo's Message: Haa, I got this idea and how could I not share it with you guys, so I made this oneshot  as I said earlier I would. Hope you liked it , ooop}
[Word Count: 610 something(not including this)]
[Date: 7/6/2021]

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