Chapter 13

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When we got to the hospital we checked in and found Gina's room. The nurse at the nurses station said that they had given her a sedative to help with the pain. Unfortunately she wouldn't be awake for a few more hours. But I just had to see her. We walk into her room and just like the nurse she was asleep. Even in her sleep she looked so sad. She had dark circles under her eyes like she hadn't slept in days. Her hair was both greasy and messy. She also had makeup streaks on her face. For some reason I hadn't noticed any of this before now. I had also noticed something else. She had marks on her arms. At first I couldn't tell what they were from being a mixture of being dark and not being close. But I got closer and I immediately knew what they were. They were cuts. Some big gashes and others small and hardly noticable. I all of a sudden felt sick to my stomach . I got nuaseaus and dizzy, and ran to the bathroom. I made it just in time. My mom followed me into the bathroom, along with a nurse. I looked at them and just started crying. I couldnt keep any of it in. Mom knelt down and took me into her arms.

"Shhh baby its ok" my mom said in a quite voice. 

"Are you alright?" questioned the nurse. I nodded.My mother continued to hold me in her arms and rock me. 

"Shh baby, everything will be ok" My mother said again in a quiet voice. I didn't say anything to her but I could tell she knew what I was feeling. 

After I dried my tears and pulled myself together I asked my mom if she had a pen and paper. She said she had a pen but not paper. So I went to the nurses station and asked if they had a piece of paper for me to write on. The nurse tore a piece of notebook paper out of the notebook that she was writing. I said thank you and went back to Ginas room and started to write. 

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