Chapter 3

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At about 7:15 I heard the doorbell ring and I ran down to answer it before Dad could get it. Of course it was Gina and Rachel but there were some high school boys that I recognized from hanging around by our school since the high school and middle school were so close together.

"Alright Dad I'm leaving see you later" I shouted

"Bye Anna have a fun time" He yelled from his office. I walked out the door and jumped in the car and it smelled like cigarettes and alcohol. Not wanting to sound like I was a worry wart I just kept my mouth shut. Gina and I were sitting in the front with Todd the high schools star quarterback. And Rachel and Jeremy the high schools varsity basketball player were sitting in the back. Of course the first thing that Todd does after we pull away from my house was pull a cigarette and a bottle of alcohol.

" Here pass this around" He said after he took a gulp. I took a sip and started to sputter and cough. I passed it on to Gina and she chugged it like a pro. Obviously this wasn't her first time drinking and it wouldn't be her last.

After we all had taken a drink out of the bottle Rachel passes it back to Todd. Todd turned the radio on and the first song to come blaring out was a song that I didn't recognize. Gina did recognize it though and started to belt out the words along with everyone else in the car.

As we rolled into the driveway of what looked like an abandoned house, Todd turned off the car and told us that we could go inside if we wanted. When we did walk in the floorboards creaked and the air around us was thick and heavy and smelled like must. But the boys Gina and Rachel didn't seem to care. The first thing they did was pull out some beer and some cigarettes from a backpack that Jeremy was holding. Jeremy threw one at me and I caught it. The first thing I did was open it up but I didn't drink out of it.

" Hey what's the matter? Never had beer before?" Someone said in my ear. I looked up and it was Todd.

"Uh yeah, never" I replied nervously.

"Well drink up" he said. I took a sip and almost gagged. The taste was awful, and had almost a sour aftertaste but I liked it.But I just wanted to impress the older guys so I drank the entire can, and another, and another. I also smoke a cigarette. But I didn't like the taste of that so I didn't smoke anymore. After a couple of hours they took me home. I hopped that I didn't that I didn't smell like smoke and alcohol. I checked the time on my phone since I hadn't checked it in a few hours. Thinking that it maybe only 11:30 at the latest, boy was I wrong. It happened to be 2 AM and I didn't even know. As I walked into the living room my dad was passed out on the couch with the TV remote still in his hand and the TV still on.

My mom woke me up after what felt like only a few hours of sleep. As I woke up I checked the time on my alarm clock on my bedside table. 11:45 it said. Not believing how late it was I sat up and rubbed my eyes. It still said 11:45.

"Hey honey" my mom said in a soft voice. "I made you pancakes downstairs. So why don't you come down and eat?"

" Yeah sure" I answered. But I knew that I was going to go into the bathroom and purge it right after I ate it. As I walked downstairs there were fresh pancakes on the table. I sat down, poured on my syrup, and cut into my pancakes.

"Hey mom where's Dad and Adam at?" I asked

" Adam is at a playdate with some of his other friends and your father took him" She replied. " Honey can I ask you something?" She asked

"Yeah sure go right ahead" I said

" Are you feeling alright? I've noticed that you've lost a lot of weight and aren't eating as much. And you're very pale" She said. Panic was setting in. What if she knew.

" Yeah I'm fine" I replied not looking at her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah mom, there's nothing to be worried about I'm fine" I almost yelled at her. She went quiet and didn't say anything else while I ate. I finished my plate and put it into the sink. I went upstairs to my bathroom and turned all the water on. I went over to the toilet and lifted the lid. I started to induce my vomit. After I finished I washed my mouth out and went back into my bedroom and started crying. All I could think about is how much this is hurting my parents, and me. I didn't want to lie to them any more. But I wanted to be thin like all the other girls.

After I stopped crying I texted Rachel asking if she was up yet. It was pretty unusual for her to not answer back in about 5 seconds. So I assumed that she was still asleep. Or still with Todd. Putting my phone back down I opened my computer and checked my Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Nothing new on Facebook,Twitter,or Pinterest. But on Instagram there were a few new posts that I really could care less about. I heard my mom walk up the stair and knock on my door.

" Anna?" she asked " I was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie or go shopping or something"

"Sure" I answered her quietly and not really looking at her directly. I didn't want to make eye contact because I didn't want her to see that I had been crying just fifteen minutes before.

"Alright get ready we're leaving in an hour" she said. So I got up and turned the shower on. After I got out of the shower I got dressed and went into the bathroom again to brush out my hair,blow dry it, and put my makeup on. After I did all that I walked downstairs to tell my mom that I was ready.

"Hey mom!" I yelled "I'm ready"

"Okay!" She shouted back from her office. She walked out and I grabbed my boots and put them on. I also put on my jacket hoping that she wouldn't see how frail I had gotten.We walked out to our car with the snow crunching under our feet. We jumped into the car and it was already warm.

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