40. Why The F*ck

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        Considering Aaron had come out as gay, I'd come out as a lesbian, and Cody and Skylar had witnessed the kiss between me and Monroe, all four of us had officially completed the goal within minutes of January.

       Now, school had started a few days ago―but today was Cody's birthday. Which, of course, meant we were skipping.

      "When you told me back in September that we were going to have a photoshoot, I didn't expect this."

      Cody just grinned at me from behind his professional camera. It was fucking freezing―there was even snow falling―but he'd refused to let me put on a jacket.

       "I'm going to catch hypothermia," I said.

       "Great," he said. "Just keep smiling."

       We were standing on the train tracks near the outskirts of New York City. They were empty, of course―so it was the perfect destination for a photoshoot.

       "When you give these pictures over to the police, as the last record of me being alive, you're going to feel sorry then," I said.

       Cody knelt onto the snow. He must have been freezing, too, but if he was, he barely even seemed to notice. Whatever pictures he's taking had better be good.

       "Monroe?" I called out. "Can you hold this for me? It keeps falling out of my pocket."

       She grinned, her fingers brushing mine as she took my phone. Cody had invited her along for the photoshoot yesterday, just before she'd driven me home on her motorcycle. Skylar and Aaron would be here―Cody had invited them, too―but they were preparing a surprise party in his backyard. 

       Which meant that Monroe and I had officially become distractions.

       And our job was to keep stalling Cody for as long as possible.

      Until Monroe winked at me―the signal that Skylar and Aaron were ready―I had to keep the surprise party a secret.

       "Smile a little, Talia," Cody said. "You look like you're . . . I don't know, worried."

       I froze. "Worried? About what? What could I possibly have to be worried about?"

       From behind me, Monroe's fingers snaked around my waist. She pinched me lightly. "Tal," she said, laughing easily. "You sound so suspicious. It's not like we have anything to hide."

       "Right," I said. I was stiff―too stiff. Relaxing into Monroe's arms, I gave Cody a smile that I hoped would pass as nonchalant. "Suspicious. Yeah. Why would we―I mean, I be suspicious? There's nothing to, um, hide."

       Monroe pinched me again. Right before I could keep rambling, she pressed her lips to mine. My mouth was open, and her tongue slipped gently against mine. I lost myself in the sensation of her and forgot―instantly―about our distractions. 

       I heard Cody snapping pictures, but I didn't care enough to look. Didn't care enough to do anything but focus on Monroe's lips, so soft and sweet, her tongue entwining with mine. We'd never kissed like this before, but that needed to be remedied for the future. 

      I couldn't get enough of her now. I forgot about the cold and the photoshoot and the lens of Cody's camera, probably honing in on us. It was just me and the girl I loved―liked―on the train tracks of a city in the middle of winter. My palms pushed and raked at her arms, down her back, over her ass. I needed her. I wanted to get so close to her I forgot where she began and I ended.

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