Season 1: Episode 9

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail!

I'm still not completely sure of which Lucy to bring in, or to bring her in at all. It could be no Lucy, young Lucy, present Lucy, or future Lucy (not sure from when). Please put a vote in your review. I will only be counting reviews just for this chapter, mostly because I'm lazy(sorry), and if you have explained a reasoning behind your vote for previous chapters, just put which Lucy.  If Lucy is brought in, it will be right before the Phantom Lord arc though.

Also, I will be doing the fillers, as you can see from this episode. Sorry if you don't like this episode.

February is too short. I'm sorry I didn't get to update that month. To top that off, my laptop was broken for about a week so I couldn't use it then. Sorry!

Read and comment! Thanks for the comment!


Master fast forwarded the introduction as everyone was talking. He thought about how long this was going to take. He had a meeting to go to soon and it was a month before Lucy actually comes to the guild after meeting Natsu. Maybe they should not take any jobs and just watch this for the whole month. If they need money, he can sen someone who's being annoying.

"Are you ready, Gramps?" Natsu asked as he finished forwarding the tape.

"Yeah." Master said, hitting play and going back to his seat.

"Last time on Fairy Tail!" Natsu said as Mira was shown explaining the about the meeting and rank of guilds. "Why the heck to I have to go with you?" Natsu snarled as he had fire behind him.

"Then don't come!" Gray yelled with metaphorical blue fire behind him. Lucy was shown staring at Erza in surprise at the amount of luggage she was pulling behind her.

"I want you two to lend me your strength." Erza said as Gray and Natsu popped up onto the screen dancing.

"Eisenwald?" Gray asked as the guild was shown with the mages walking out.

"We're going to stop their evil plan!" Erza said.

"Finished!" Natsu shouted. Everyone cheered at his shout.

"Natsu!" Lucy shouted at they drove after the train he was in.

Natsu groaned as he remembered that horrible thing that happened. "I still can't believe you forgot me on that thing from hell." Natsu said, shaking in fear.

"Sorry." Erza and Gray chuckled out.

"You don't sound sorry." Natsu grumbled.

"Maybe because they're not." Macao whispered to Wakaba who started to laugh.

Natsu jumped out of the train and flew toward them. Then Kagayama was shown as Lucy said "The flute of curse, Lullaby!"

"Master is in trouble!" Erza said as Makarov was shown with Kageyama. Lullaby's feet were shown stomping onto the ground.

"So this is the true form of Lullaby?" Lucy asked as Lullaby's face was shown. Natsu punched Lullaby in the face. Gray shot ice shards at Lullaby. Erza slashed Lullaby's face.

"You went overboard!" Lucy shouted as a hole in the ground where the masters' meeting hall was shown. The screen faded black.

"They always go overboard!" Master groaned as he slammed his head into the table he was sitting at.

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