Season 1: Episode 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail! 

Right before the next showing started, Natsu shouted out "WAIT!" Everyone looked toward him. "I need to talk to Mira for a second" he said looking at Mira. Mira nodded. Hey walked out of the guild, Mira following Natsu. "I think I figured out the feelings I've been having" Natsu said staring into Mira's eyes, which started to sparkle as he said that. "Really?" She asked hopefully. "Yeah, Lucy is going to be my best friend. My feelings are for friendship" he said grinning his childish grin. Mira deflated. "I really don't think that's what you're really feeling, Natsu" Mira tried to explain. "Yeah, it is. What else could it be?" Natsu asked. Mira just sighed. "You know what, maybe you're right" Mira said, forcing happiness into her voice, while forming a plan in her mind. Natsu grinned and walked back into the guild. Mira, on the other hand whispered "It's love" and stomped her way into the guild. No one said anything as the angry demon-mage walked through the guild to her seat. She motioned to the girls that they needed to talk after the showing. They all nodded and the showing stated after the song, because the Master had fast-fowarded it while Mira and Natsu were talking.

"Last time on Fairy Tail!" Natsu said in the recap. "This is the request board where you can choose any job you want!" Mira told Lucy. "Ooh, it's the key for White Doggy" Lucy gasped as she looked at it lovingly.

"She really likes those keys" Erza said. They all agreed.

It changes to Natsu smiling at Makao. "Hey, if I don't do a job soon, I won't have anything to eat!" Natsu said sadly. Romeo was shown when he had reunited with his father.

Natsu widened his eyes. "Go on a job, future me!" He shouts in terror. "I need the food!" The guild laughed at his foolishness. "Natsu, quiet down and watch" the Master told him. "But, I need the foo-" Natsu was cut off by the glare he got from both Master and Erza.

Natsu, helping Makao walk, Lucy, and Happy were shown. A window was shown with curtains flowing in the wind. Lucy stretched in bed smiling. Happy music played as the picture paused showing Lucy's smiling face. "I'm Lucy, a wizard!" Lucy says.

"We know that already" Natsu groaned in a 'no duh' fashion.

"And this is the city of Magnolia, flourishing with magic and commerce since long ago!" Lucy continued as a picture of the city popped up.

Gray sighed. "Get on with it" Lazus said aggravated. The Master sighed. The guild could only keep attention on one thing for a short amount of time.

A map was shown with an arrow pointing at a dot. "Kardia Cathedral rises above the city center, and a bit separated from it is the city's only guild, Fairy Tail!" Lucy explains.

They all cheered for their guild.

A picture of the cathedral was shown. The arrow moved to the guild dot when Lucy explained and a picture of Fairy Tail appeared on the map. "And this is the house where I live now" Lucy said happily.

"She has her own house!" Natsu says excitedly. "Maybe I'll be the first one to visit!" The girls all squealed. Natsu looked at them like they were freaks. "What?" Natsu asked. The girls shook their heads. If he didn't understand his own feelings, he won't understand this.

Lucy's new house was shown. "The rent's 70,000 jewel!" she said excitedly.

"That's less than Fairy Hills!" Levy said pointing at the screen in shock.

"I sure found a good place" Lucy said while stretching in a bath tub. She had a towel around her chest.

All of the older men had a blushing face. The girls looked at them disgusted.

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