It was a Good Day

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Dixies POV: So far by being in the car and just talking to him he seems like the complete opposite of what adds and Bryce say about him. I didn't think that nick was cheating but instead I was pissed that he lied to me he said that he was going to spend time with his mom that is sick with cancer but instead he was with a random girl, but the worst part was he purposely came to this aquarium he knew me and Noah would be here.

I wasn't going to ruin this for me or Noah so I simply told myself I would deal with nick later not in public. Me and Noah left the sight of them and my hand naturally climbed on to his. I didn't mean to I guess I'm used to it. We walked around seeing fish, sharks, sting rays, jellyfish and a lot more things that I would normally be scared to see but something about Noah's presents didn't make me feel scared, or nervous when I normally always did. I liked that a lot because even though I just met him and I felt like I knew him for ever, and that comforted me.

"Noah let's go touch sting rays" I said dragging him towards the sign in a excited childlike way. He laughed "okay"

I pulled him all the way to the sign that we read for instructions and then we waited in line and when it was our turn. This little lady was watching us just in case and making sure everything went smoothly. When I put my hand in the ray jumped a bit out of the small water tank it was in and it scared me. Noahs saw the fear in my face his hand went on top of mine and we touched the ray together and I know it's bad to say because I have a boyfriend that I love but I felt something. Something I didn't feel with nick. Maybe it was the mystery of Noah that excited me, or the feeling of being needed by someone even though I didn't know how he thought of me.

We touched the sting ray and our time was up. His hand glided across my hand and to the towel. He smiled at me and I wiped my hand and we walked off. We walked around for another hour and a half and it was almost 5:30 me and Noah got into the car and we started to drive to my house he looked at me and I got that feeling again. It wasn't butterflies because I got those when nick wasn't being a dick. It was something more powerful then butterflies. "I really enjoyed today, thank you" Noah said bringing me back to reality. "Oh you welcome the get to know you part worked" he nodded "yes it did I feel like I have known you forever" he sis and that got me thinking. "I know but you have" he looked at the road thinking the same thing as me. We have known each-other for ever. I have known him the same amount as I have known Addi.

"Your right we kinda have" he said but in a sad tone. "What's wrong" I said concerned that knowing me made him sad or upset. "It's nothing that's just weird thinking about it," I nodded and put my hands on my lap. "Very weird especially since your twin sister kinda lives with me and this is like the first real conversation we have had" I saw him get sadder and then he went back to the road but he turned to me with a smile and it was a real one. Now I was just very confused. "Yeah that is weird" he said laughing. "Why are you laughing I would expect that to be a sore subject" he looked at me with his goofy smile and I couldn't help but to smile to looking into his very light Green-ish, hazel-ish eyes kinda like mine but mine were dark.

"It is a sore subject but when you say it, it sounds funny on how all this happened and I still don't know why" that comment about him not knowing why opened a new world. "You don't know why addi left," he shook his head "nope one minute she was there and the next she was yelling at me and my other sister that she was leaving to go live with a better more stable family," the smile kinda faded from both of our faces "oh" is all that would come out.

"Yep weird I know that my parents were really shitty but she wasn't alone she had 2 people that were going through the same shit"

"I'm sorry noah I didn't know it was that deep she never told me," he nodded "adds isn't the rule to tell why she does things. Instead she just expect people to know why and try to fix it, but a 12 year old boy couldn't fix his parents" I felt so bad even though i still didn't know what happened but I knew that he was opening up to me about something I knew only a couple people knew. I gripped his hand and rubbed it. I didn't want to speak on it or anything for that matter he looked at our hands and I looked at Him and looked out the window. We sat like that with smile on our faces for about 5 minutes until We pulled up to my house. Noah let go but in a soft way and told me "see me Thursday".

"See you Thursday," I got out of his car and waved all the way into my house with the biggest smile . I couldn't help but feel sad that I would have to wait all of Wednesday. No I wouldn't cheer and football tryouts were next week. So I had the nine tutoring days to do what I wanted, I pulled out my phone and texted Noah.

Noah 🤍

Hey tryouts for both of us out next Wednesday so do you want to hand out tomorrow

Yeah sure

Okay meet me in the library same time and this time you choose where we go.

Okay goodnight dixie see you tmr 💖

Night night Noah see you tmr🤍

I got off my phone and looked up and realized I was still in front of the door but instead I had a big smile plastered on my face and my family was all looking at me with confused looks as the ate.

"Hi guys" I said laughing at there faces. "Hi dix" my parent said in unison and char and her nosy ass said "why the smile" it wasn't surprising that I was smiling after my day, or that charli would ask. "I just had a good day" addi looked up and immediately looked out the window she stood up and got closer to the window. Her face didn't like what she saw "white Tesla, and the boy version of me in the car,"

"Yes addi that was Noah" my dad continued to eat not finding a reason this was a problem. My mom, char, and adds did though the all stood up and looked at me and I knew I was in for a interesting night.

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