Grudge holder

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Tuesday, Thursday

Me and Tatum pulled up laughing at something I had said. We grabbed all of our bags filled with stuff from the mall and I thanked her once more for taking me with her. She said and I quote "anything for a sister" I smiled and we entered the house.

Noah was in the same place he had been hours earlier on the couch he looked like he was dying . He looked at the door and ran faster than he ever has to us and gave us the biggest hug. he yelled "I miss you so much dix and I guess I missed you too Tatum" me and Tatum laughed and I handed him the food we got for Noah.

"so what did y'all do" he said letting go of the strong grasp he had on us. "well first we went to go get our nails done" Tatum said and then I said "then we went to the mall for hours" and Tatum finished the sentence with "then we went to dinner" he clapped his hand like a child "so y'all got along" Tatum ran to hug me and said "yep I love her already" and I responded "aww I love you too" Noah smiled almost wider than I ever saw him and said "perfect".

He sat down to eat his food and I sat next to him. "Goodnight y'all" Tatum said walking away and I said "goodnight and thank you again" she looked back and said "stop thanking me" and giggled and I laughed too.

"goodnight Tatum" Noah said mouth full and me and Tatum burst into laughter at his face and how it came out muffled due to the food. Tatum walked away. Me and Noah then talked about what he did when we were gone and I told him how Tatum called me her sister and he smiled and said "Maybe not soon but I promise it will happen" I laid my head on his shoulder. indicating I like believing that me and Noah would get married one day. My head laughed at how crazy that sounded I mean I honestly just began speaking to him. We all have dreams though and some do come true. I had faith in this one.

I let him finish his food and I went to go take a shower and change. I stole one of his sweatshirts and put my shorts on. I took a shower and then changed in that. I got on my newly announced side of the bed and scrolled through instagram until I heard Noahs footsteps but he was stopped by the sound a girls voice which happened to be Tatums and she said in a whisper but luckily the walls were thin so I could hear

"I know I have already said this but I really really like her. Please, please, please don't mess this up. She is really happy with you and by what how she has opened up to me today if you fuck up she won't have anyone. Just remember she dropped almost everything for you" I smiled she was true about everything I was head of heels for Noah. I have either stopped talking or distance my self from almost everyone.

Noah laughed and said "I don't think you have noticed Tatum but I have liked this girl since 7th grade and I have loved her since Freshman year. I know that sounds crazy because freshman year fucking sucked, but she isn't going anywhere" he loves me and he knew ever since Freshman year. he said he loved me the first time we kissed but I didn't think he would admit it to his sister. My heart beat was picking up and the biggest smile was plastered on my face.

He loved me even when my family took his sister.

"Okay Noah I know when things get rough you push yourself away because you think it helps the other person but I Dosent and luckily with dixie she isn't going to back down so don't be an idiot" Tatum said snapping me out of my faithful thoughts.

"even if I wanted to I can't push myself away from her" I could sense that Tatum was hugging him because it went silent for a bit.

Noah then walked into the room and I jumped up and ran to Noah I stood right in front of him and said "I heard that whole conversation I didn't mean to eavesdrop but after I heard Tatum liked me my ears were on." I said rambling and talking really fast.

Noah laughed and shushed me and said "its okay dix I do that too" I smiled and said "I love you too" our lips collided and his hand wrapped around my waist and one of my hands went to his hair and the other his face. He picked me up and laid me on the bed he looked at me and I could feel my eyes turn from hazel to brown and full of lust.

He realized this too and smiled and said "are you sure dixie" I smiled and nodded because I have never been more sure in my life. He got up and walked to the door and locked it and came back to his bed.

Lets just say it was the best night of my life


I woke up tangled in Noahs arms. I was surprisingly not naked I had Noahs t-shirt on which was large and I had my underwear on but that was it. I looked around the room and blushed immediately when yesterday night replayed in my head.

He was awake and staring at me, I rolled over to face him and smiled and he did too. He pulled me in for a kiss, which I gladly took the offer by kissing him back before he said "good morning love" I could have died right there and I think I did but my body came back and I said "good morning"

"what time is it" I said still in his grasp "6:50" he said looking at his phone "okay" I knew Noah wouldn't have me at school late so I wasn't worried and I normally got up around this time so it was normal. My school also started at 8 so we had time. I laid my head in his chest and I laid there for about 10 minutes before we Both got up. my legs were a little sore but I had expected that. I put the sweatshirt that I didn't get to wear for long last night back on with leggings as it was getting cold since it was turning into mid fall.

I brushed my teeth and did my hair and by the time I grabbed my mascara Noah was ready. He fixed his bed while I finished and I walked out of the bathroom and twirled "how do I look" I said I know I looked like shit but it was okay because he said "gorgeous as always" he said walking up to me and placing a kiss on my head. I decided to leave so clothes over here for in the future. I had duplicate things at home so I left some makeup and my one of many hairbrushes there too.

We got in the car and drove to school I wanted to say by to Tatum but she was sleeping still so I let her be. Me and Noah stopped and got coffee at one of the only Starbucks in our small town. I think he liked to pamper me because I always will feel bad for what happened with Addi.

We pulled up to the school hand in hand like it had been for the couple of days. We went to our lockers but sadly the TLBOE were at the lockers. Addi shot me an apologetic look that I gladly ignored. Charli shot me a bitchy look but I smiled back making her mad. Nicks new Girl looked at me and watched me as I walked to Noah. That was one of Noahs ex's so I kissed him right in front of her and she kissed nick which didn't faze me by any chance because nick pushed her back while Noah grabbed my waist. This is the life I wanted to live

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