I love you

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Noah's POV

What was dixie doing here and why were they both crying. Dixie looked at me with a sadness in her eyes but not for herself for me. I looked at twin and she had the same look.

"Dixie, Tatum what's going on, when did you guys start to hang out" none of them responded instead I got attacked by Dixies hugs. She started crying again and Tatum said getting up from the couch "don't be mad she knows" and she walked to her room.

Knew what? What did she know? What was going on?

"I'm so sorry" is what dixie said and tighten her crib around my neck. "Dixie what's wrong why are you here?" She found my eyes and said "Tatum told me everything don't be mad at her I asked"

"Dixie Tatum told you what" I began to worry I prayed that Tatum didn't tell dixie about my life about what I have been through what I had done to myself. What people had done to me.

"Your past Noah I'm so sorry" I grabbed her hand and brought her to the drive way. I then said "give me your keys" she looked at me and responded "okay" she handed me her keys and we both got in the car.

She asked me a couple times in the ten minutes "where we were going" but I was silent I didn't speak until we pulled up to the side of her house. I parked on the side so that I'd we started to yell it wouldn't wake the house up.
I got out and opened her door and I said "what happened with Tatum." She responded with "I'm so sorry noah about everything" I began to worry again "What do you mean dixie what did Tatum tell you" I started to get angry, and disappointed going back to when I really wasn't okay.

A week after addi broke the news to The sibling about her moving Addi got mad that Noah didn't want her to leave. Addi said yelling "you are not my brother you don't want me to be happy" Noah yelled back in tears "yes I do but why can't you be happy here with your brother, and sister. The two people who understand your pain" addi sat in Noah's bed and said raising her volume on her voice "because Noah I don't want y'all as sibling I want charli and Dixie as my siblings and Heidi and Mark as my parents I hate you I hate this family I hate all of y'all" Noah dropped to the floor in tears "addi please don't do please stay here for me" addi shouted before leaving the room "did you not hear me I hate you, I hate this family, I don't care if I can relate to you I wish I was twins with Dixie" and then she left. Noah only saw her at school from that day on.

I was back to reality. I didn't want to be in the past because it's what made me so hard to be okay and why I was pushing someone I loved away. Dixie said again "I'm sorry noah I'm sorry that you had to go through that" I stepped a bit farther away "dixie what do you know" she responded with "I know that addi left you for my family. I know you hurt yourself on a daily. I know your parents were shitty. I know you were I'm so much pain. I know your dad hurt you. And I know it's all my fault"

No no no no this can't be happening she started to cry which made me cry. "No dixie this is why I can't be around you or anyone for that matter. I have known you for years now and as soon as you start to speak to me my problems become your breaking point dixie don't worry about me you can leave"

She stepped closer to me and said "No Noah I don't care what friends I loose or what will hurt me I'm going to be here for you"

"No you won't Dixie if you care you will walk to your door and be with your family" she shook her head and raised her voice "I care so much and that's why I can't listen"

I raised my voice I wasn't going to hurt or scare her but I needed her to leave before I broke down "dixie please, please, you don't know me you don't know what your getting yourself into"

She began to yell through her tears still streaming down her face "Noah I can't leave you here I have to make up for my mistakes I took addi away,"

I yelled at her the same way she yelled at me "no Dixie please. You don't have to apologize I don't blame you but I need you to leave please leave dixie please"

"No Noah" she half smiled. "You helped me with nick and myself, now I have to help you"

I guess I like the stubborn ones, but I loved her. "Dixie I care to much about you to let you get all tight with me. You don't know me. You are hurting yourself the more attached you get to me"

She smiled and stepped closer to me and said "you just said you cared about me," I didn't even realized I said it "yes dixie I do that's why I need you to leave," she shook her head no, "Dixie please don't make this difficult," she shook her head no. "Dixie" no again.

"I will call addi, and charli to come get you" no again. "Dixie please" I cried and tears went down her face too. "Dixie leave me alone please" I stepped back about to get in my car and leave. I could have left earlier but I wanted her safe inside and something was telling me not too.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me inches from her face. "Why do you care if I get hurt Noah," she yelled into my face. I didn't mean to yell this but I did "because I love you dixie. I love you so much and I have. I bottled it up for half of my life just so that you didn't get dragged into my mess. I would prefer you with nick that person I have despised from the beginning, than be with me and I have you get hurt. I let addi go that night I could have chased her but I let her go because she said that she would be happy with you. I hoped you would be happy with her and I was right. I have down everything for everyone else even if it almost brought my to my death every time. As long as everyone was happy I didn't matter. I did it with you because I love you. I love you. I love you. More than myself." I was breaking because of this girl and it was okay as long as she was okay.

She was shocked I was shocked. She looked at me with hope, and faith, a bit of worrying but not enough to stop how I feel

"I love you dixie and you don't have to say it back but I love you that's why I'm fighting for you not to be near me"

"I can't stay away from you Noah because I love you too" she grabbed my face with her hands and kissed me. I kissed back and even though things were far from okay. It made it seem worth it.

There was no more pushing myself away because she fought hard for it. She made herself a spot in my life and I was letting her have it.

I knew stuff was going to happen along the way, but I also knew that I was in love and I said it and she said it back. There was no stopping us.

She pulled away and smiled and she said "I love you" I smiled too and said looking into her glowing eyes "I love you more" she pulled me into a kiss again.

When she pulled away she went straight for a hug. I hugged her back and said "I know it will be hard I know but I think we can do it" she looked me into the eyes and said "Noah please promise me we will end up on top even if it's just us two" she held her pinky out and I smiled and said "I promise" we pinky promises and then kissed our thumbs and put our thumbs together.

At that moment I knew nothing would break that promise. Even if he'll came to my front door.

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